"Thank you to all friends and family who commented on moms dog attack, she's terribly swollen in a number of areas on her body where she was thrown to the ground and chewed on by two pits while the owners stood by and let it happen then argued with her while she was in shock and bleeding everywhere waiting for ambulance, no police officer ever showed up to take a report which is b.s. because this man should be held accountable for doing nothing to stop attack,
"the only reason she is still alive is because a man driving by jumped out with a club and saved my mom, Thank you angel of God, only one dog was picked up ,neither has been shot for rabies from what the mans friends that were also there said,when 911 is called when a 63 yr old woman is almost killed a police officer could respond esp. When dog owner jumps in her face as well, she was only walking from a 7 11 to home didnt deserve this!!"