Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Arizona: Little dog named Benji mauled by pit bull. He has broken ribs, broken sternum, multiple lacerations and puncture wounds all over his body.

ARIZONA -- My dog Benji got attacked by a pit bull Friday while walking him around our block. The pit bull was not on a leash and ran up behind my dog and viciously attacked him. The owner could not control her dog.

Benji was taken to the Oak Creek animal hospital. He has broken ribs and sternum, multiple lacerations and puncture wounds all over his body.

I filed a police report and found out that this is considered a misdemeanor. I could not believe that the dog would not even be picked up. Benji is gonna have a long and painful recovery not to mention all the vet bills.

I personally know of three other dogs that have died from attacks of unleashed pit bulls. There has to be more aggressive laws in place. That dog is free to do it again and maybe next time it might be a child.

Please let your voice be heard, enough is enough! Please put out positive healing energy for Benji, he's a sweet heart of a dog??

We got to take Benji home yesterday, he has a long road to recovery. He fought for his life last friday, a pit bull attacked him while we were walking him around the block. The pit bull was not on a leash and ran up from behind and attacked Benji. The little guy didn't see him coming. He was shaken and slammed down on the street while bitten over and over.

I am so tired of pet owners not being responsible. I am especially sick of hearing pit bull owners saying there dog has never acted like that before. I know of personally three small dogs who were killed by pit bulls. Pit bull owners have a right to own pit bulls but not a right to ignore the laws and have them off leashes. How many dogs and children must die before we have harsher consequences for irresponsible dog owners!

The pit bull that savagely attacked Benji did not even get picked up. He gets to rest comfortably while my dog is trying to recover from broken ribs, broken sternum, lacerations and puncture wounds. Sedona needs much stricter leash laws and consequences when pet owners ignore the law!! If you agree please let your voice be heard, I am personally going to try and make a difference.


Rick Steffey: Where did this happen and what does the dog look like so we can be alert if near there?

Kirie Muench: The dog resides at 185 pinion the street right after relics going west on left. Dog is light tan with spots

Sharon Norris-Blankenship: Kirie Muench, Why was the dog NOT picked up for the attack? Doesn't Sedona have leash laws? I am so sorry for your little guy. Here's to his speedy recovery.

Kirie Muench: Sedona laws don't hold dogs unless they have bitten a human. Even if the dog is not leashed and attacks a leashed dog. This law needs to be changed, that pit bull is free to attack again. They should at least be taken and be assessed to see how aggressive and dangerous they are.

Rick Steffey: Did the owner at least offer to pay for your dogs vet bills?

Sharon Norris-Blankenship: Rick Steffey, SUE THEIR ASS!!!! I usually don't advocate that, but in this case Yes. I can't even imagine the cost.

Kirie Muench: No, the owner has magically disappeared!

Sandra Cline: Poor little Benji. I know the horror of pit bull attacks. My dog Willy and I were attacked in front of my house twice within 12 hours. Willy almost died. After the first attack and two hours in an emergency vet hospital, I designed an alert and leafleted cars all night long in my neighborhood, I put out over 200 alerts on cars and house doors. When the second attack occurred, my only defense was my voice and I screamed for help at the top of my lungs. Within 5 minutes the sheriff's department swarmed the neighborhood. The leaflets? Before the second attack, the local school buses were on the alert, parents were guarding the school bus stops and numerous calls to animal control came in with the address of where the dog was housed. 


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