Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Oklahoma: Larry Moss, 18, gets 4 years probation for animal cruelty

Offender: Larry L. Moss
Gender: Male
Race: Black
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Birth Date: 4/26/1998
OK DOC#: 750902
Conviction date:
Term: 4 Years
Term code: P&PDEF*
Sentence begins:  11/9/2016
Probation status: Active

P&PDEF (aka Deferred Adjudication)
A deferred adjudication in Oklahoma (commonly referred to as a deferred sentence) occurs when a defendant enters a plea of guilty to the crime or crimes as charged but is not formally sentenced. The court agrees to "put off" sentencing to a later date provided the defendant agrees to certain terms and conditions required by the court.

If a defendant fails to comply with the rules and conditions imposed by the court an acceleration proceeding will commence. An acceleration is commenced at the request of the State which essentially asks to court to accelerate your sentencing date from some point in the future to the present.

At the end of Larry's probation, the entire case will be dismissed -- as if that poor animal had never suffered at the hands of Larry Moss. In the law's eyes, it never happened. Larry Moss can tell everyone he's not an animal abuser, that he was never convicted of anything, and that the case was dismissed. And he'll be right.