Tuesday, November 15, 2016

United Kingdom: People searching for owner of pit bull which attacked small dog, nearly killing it

UNITED KINGDOM -- Dog attack on five ways ............ Does anybody know the owner of the white staff (Staffordshire pit bull terrier) / pit bull that usually wears this collar?

It attacked my mother's very small dog causing enough injury that she may not pull through this evening. My mother also sustained an injury so the police are involved.


It has the taste of blood and I don't want it to be someone's child next!!!!

Update from the daughter of the lady who's dog was attacked at five ways.. this is with her permission. I saw a lot of people were showing concern 😢

A massive thank you to the couple who took my Mam and her dog Jess to the vet after she was attacked by a pit bull/staff at Fiveways today at 4:40pm. She's extremely poorly but stable and with God on our side will pull through. I'd love to find this couple and thank them personally x Please share

Edit: sorry think I've worded this post wrong... it's not my dog... it's my friend's mums .. I've just copied and shared her post with her permission

we are relieved to say that she has made it through the night although the vet is still concerned as she is unable to stand properly, she is being kept in for another night for observations and pain relief and to see if she can eat.

I would like to express our deepest gratitude and love to all those concerned for jess and my mother's well-being! And also a massive thank you for all offers of donations towards vet costs. Although it is overwhelmingly generous, we feel it would be wrong to accept people's hard earned money. Thank you all again, it's truly heart warming x