Carleau Mesidor, 39, of Bradenton pleaded no contest to one felony count of animal abuse after accepting a plea deal, according to the Miami Herald.

The brown mixed breed puppy, Zoey, has recovered from abuse that left her with a fractured eye socket, and was adopted into a loving home.
The judge made a finding that the abuse had been 'intentional torment.'
He was also fined $2,500, ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation and anger management and serve 24 months of probation.
While under probation, he can have no care, custody, control, possession or intentional contact with dogs.
During the abuse in October, Mesidor hung the puppy with a lanyard, and punched her several times in the face.

Pictures show her with an extremely red eye - a result of an orbital fracture. She also suffered other injuries.
He had three other dogs, all of whom were surrendered. Zoey took a month to recover and then found her forever home.
'Zoey was adopted by a loving family, and she is very happy,' wrote the Bradenton Police on its Facebook page.

'This was a senseless, brutal attack on a helpless three-month-old puppy that will forever be etched in the minds of everyone involved,' Assistant State Attorney Lisa Chittaro said. 'It’s one of the most barbaric cases we have dealt with. Animal cruelty will not be tolerated.'
Mesidor had previous arrests for possession of cannabis and parole violation.
(Daily Mail - May 15, 2017)