"They just drove off and left the dog just standing there on the hottest day," explained April Hall.
Hall said on Monday, in the heat of the day, she spotted an emaciated dog in her neighbor's yard on Convair Lane.
UPDATE: Orquidea Tyndall has been charged with animal cruelty.
The friendly Pit Bull's bones were clearly showing on her emaciated frame. She had what looked like a giant tumor hanging from her stomach. Her nails were untrimmed and overgrown.
Hall and others tried to feed her, but they said she would only drink water, which they filled for her four times.
"If I had of known then, which it has been several months, that the dog was in this condition, I would have called animal control sooner," she said. "But the grass is always so high over there."
Hall took pictures of the dog. Her neighbor posted the story on Facebook, and the post has been shared close to 200 times.
Teri Harris, another neighbor, rescues animals and did not hesitate to get the dog help. She feels this incident should send a strong message to others.
"You need to understand that it's not like a toy you buy at the store and when the novelty wears off, you put it in the corner," said Harris. "People need to be responsible for their actions."
The dog was picked up by Henrico County Animal Control, who says they are now investigating this as a case of animal abuse, but no arrests have been made at this point.
Hall and Harris are still waiting, to learn her fate, but they said they just want to help the dog to find her strength.
"If she survives, I wouldn't mind if I took her," said Harris "We'll find her a home."
(NBC12 - July 14, 2017)