Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Georgia: Dachshund named Scooter nearly killed by Pit Bull at dog park. Where's the Pit Bull and its owner? No one knows (of course).

GEORGIA -- Our 12 y.o. dachshund, Scooter, was viciously attacked last Saturday, Oct. 1, at our local dog park. 

It began when my partner, Alex,  started to open the second gate that leads into the dog area.  Several dogs pushed their way through and to our horror, a pit bull had sunk his teeth into Scooter! 

Alex tried to stop him but he didn't let go until his owner came over and pulled him off by the choker collar.   Scooter was bleeding profusely.   A couple of kind bystanders helped with towels and blankets and we wrapped Scooter up and tried to help stop the bleeding.

Because it was critical to get him to the nearest animal hospital, we did not have time to discuss the consequences of what this pit bull had done with his owner.   Also, the owner did not even offer any support or remorse for what had just transpired!


[And let me guess: the Pit Bull owner hasn't bothered to come forward to find out how Scooter is, if he even survived, and to pay for the enormous medical bills. Or to come forward to show proof that he did the responsible thing and took his vicious dog in and had it euthanized.]

Scooter ended up with three severe wounds.  Two on one side and the largest and most severe on the other.  He had to have surgery and the vet said that besides tissue, the bite had gotten down to his muscle.   He has had to go to the vet everyday after surgery then back to the animal hospital as he took a turn for the worst.   He will continue to stay in hospital and needs intensive care and another surgery. 

So far, the tally of medical costs has quickly ballooned to $6,000 and rising as its estimated up to $8,000. Therefore, we are asking for any contribution great or small to assist us in dealing with the aftermath of this  horrible incident.  Scooter is fighting for his life and with continued care and support, we know he will recover.

Please contribute what you can and share!   We would be forever thankful!

Update 2 Posted by Tammy Ruefli
It was so wonderful seeing Scooter this morning. He wagged his tail so much which was such a relief! After lots of lovings, we took him to the hospital's outside area which backs onto a nature preserve. We sat with him for a while & let him enjoy some outdoor time before taking him back for his next round of treatments. He is improving but since he is not eating on his own, he has to stay put. They are planning on his second surgery this coming week. We will be visiting him again tonight. I'm thankful that Alex has been visiting him at least twice a day since his office is not too far away from the hospital.
Thanks again for all your prayers and support❣

Update 3 Posted by Tammy Ruefli
We just visited Scooter. His main vet told us she was pleasantly surprised at his progress because his situation was dire last week. We are so thankful for these awesome veterinarians and technicians. Their dedication and kindness have been beyond measure. Scooter has been there for six days. He hopefully will come home tomorrow night. When we left, they were taking him back to prep him for his long awaited surgery. Please keep him in your prayers~that they are able to close up this last wound.

As you can imagine, the cost of such a prolonged stay, intensive care, and another surgery has really racked up his medical bill. Please share our campaign far and wide. Thanks so much for all your support❣

Update 4 Posted by Tammy Ruefli
Scooter is home! We are thrilled to have this little guy back. Now the road to recovery continues with us. He is wearing a blood drain which pumps blood from the major double wound they operated on. We have to empty it every few hours and record the volume. He is still on several meds for pain etc. The biggest challenge is to get him to eat. He is having to be syringe & spoon fed so we hope this will resolve soon. His treatment is not over as he will have to go back for follow up visits for pump removal, bandage changes and more bloodwork. Nonetheless, he has pulled through this crisis and we will continue to nurse him back to health.

We want to thank all those who supported and shared our campaign. Your kindness, generosity and best wishes have meant the world to not only us, but Scooter We hope to keep it going and get as close to our goal as possible. I have contacted local news and they may be sharing our story to help find the owner and help stop this from happening again. I'll keep you posted. Until then please share our campaign. Thank you

Update 5 Posted by Tammy Ruefli
Bandages & blood pump are off! This pic shows the most severe wound that needed a separate surgery. The other side of his body has two wounds they are healing nicely and stitches have been removed.

We are thrilled he is recovering so well. Thanks again for everyone's support! We would like to give our campaign another week or so to try to reach as close to our goal of $8000. If you would like to continue sharing it with your social networks, we'd greatly appreciate it❣

GoFundMe: Scooter Finally Home!
Created October 5, 2017
Tammy Ruefli
$3,900 of $8,000 goal
Raised by 66 people in 17 days

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