Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Indiana: Neighbor beats Pit Bull with 2x4 to stop attack on small Poodle

INDIANA -- Ethan Mitchener posted on Facebook October 19, 2017 at 12:37pm · Garrett, IN ·

Just had to save my neighbor's poodle from getting killed by a pit bull. Thankfully it didn't hurt any of the little kids playing in the yard and i got there just in time to stop it.

Kaleb Antrup - You the man

Ethan Mitchener - Thanks but I wish i could have got there sooner. The poodle was covered in blood and really beat up.

Mike Zumbaugh - Did you shoot it?

Ethan Mitchener - No i beat it almost to death with a 2x4

Brad Johnson - Ethan Mitchener, a 9mm works better

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