Friday, November 17, 2017

(October 2017) Illinois: Cairn Terrier mix named Oliver was just adopted in June. Now he's dead; another victim of a deadly Pit Bull attack

ILLINOIS -- Carol Kovacik added 3 new photos to Facebook October 13, 2017 ·

Today a terrible thing happened. My little buddy Oliver was attacked by a pit bull who was off leash. The dog did such extensive damage to Oliver and he was in such terrible pain that surgery would not have saved him.

The decision to have him put to sleep was the only one I could make even though it broke my heart to make this call. If you have a pet please be responsible and keep your pet contained in a yard or on a leash especially if it is a large powerful animal.

At least you are no longer suffering Oliver, but know that I loved you and will miss you.


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Carol Kovacik posted to Facebook June 24, 2017 ·

Recently adopted this cutie. His name is Oliver and he is between 5-7 years old. He likes people and has been a good boy.

Lisa Sequens - Aww he is very cute! What kind of dog is he??

Linda Kovacik Bodem - Cairn terrier mix