Friday, July 8, 2011

Pit bull quarantined following dog attack

PROVIDENCE, RI -- A pit bull is in the custody of city animal control officers after it attacked and killed a smaller dog Thursday in Providence.

A small 8-year-old terrier mix named Rocks was leashed and walking with two adults and two other dogs on Yorkshire Street.

A pit bull, named Red, attacked and killed a
 smaller dog in Providence on Thursday.

He didn't make it home.

A 75-pound pit bull, named Red, got loose and attacked the dog.

"This dog went after the quietest one and killed it. He killed it. He was in my hands and he killed the dog," said Marie Briere, who witnessed the attack.

The pit bull injured Ed Justice, who also witnessed the attack. He suffered scrapes and cuts on his hands and legs.

Justice said he had to pry the pit bull's mouth open so he could free the dog from its jaws.

"The pit bull came out of nowhere and just attacked the smallest dog, ripped him to shreds, broke his neck and killed him," he said.

"It's tried to go after them more than once and we've told them, 'If you don't put your dog on a leash, we're going to get you guys in trouble.' Well, now my dog is the one that's dead, not theirs," said Rocks's owner Stephanie Beaudoin.

Providence Animal Control officers took custody of Red after the attack.

Charles Robinson, the dog's owner, said his pit bull likes to play, and sometimes a little rough.

Robinson said he had no idea how his dog got out onto the street. He said he never has the dog in the front yard.

"My remorse goes out to them, you know," he said.

Animal control said the pit bull will be quarantined for 10 days, and Robinson will have to appear in municipal court for a vicious dog hearing.

A judge will decide whether the pit bull can go home.

(Turnto10 - July 7, 2011)