Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Deputies kill pit bull that attacked

OHIO -- A Harrison Township woman was attacked by her neighbor's pit bull Tuesday morning.

Deputies investigating told 2 NEWS that two dogs were running loose around 9:30 when one attacked the woman as she was getting into her car. They said the dog bit down on the woman's arm and pulled her to the ground.

"You actually get more calls of pit bulls at large than attacking, but when they attack and they go into that mode of being vicious they can do some serious damage to a person," says Major David Hale with the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office.

[Finally! The voice of reason! They get more calls of pit bulls running at large... why? Because we know that it's not a good thing to see a pit bull running around loose; any more than it would be if we saw a tiger walking down the street. Nothing good is going to come of it. 

And he's exactly right... when that pit bull decides to flip that 'mental switch' and attack, it isn't just going to nip a jogger on the heel or bite someone one hand who tries to pet it. It is going to go for the kill.]

Deputies responding shot and killed the dog that attacked. The second dog ran back to its yard when the shots were fired.

The 55-year-old victim was taken to an area hospital to be treated for bites on her arms and legs. She was reported to be in fair condition.

Animal Resource officers cited the dog's owner for not having his dogs under control. Any charges out of the prosecutor's office are pending on the outcome of the investigation.

Pit bull owners who can't believe their dog would
do such a thing. It's OK, though, they were allowed to
keep the 2nd one, which neighbors say ran around
loose just as much as the one that was shot and killed

 The owner will be allowed to keep the other pit bull.

"Since it was not involved in the attack and is not currently at large, the Animal Resource Center cannot take the dog," Hale says.

Neighbors tell 2 News they've had problems with dogs running loose, enough that they've discussed the issue at block watch meetings.

(WDTN - Oct 11, 2011)
