Thursday, April 25, 2013

Woman watches dog attack in horror on Epsom Common

UNITED KINGDOM -- A shocked woman watched in horror as her neighbour’s Labradoodle was attacked by dogs on Monday.

The woman, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said two dogs broke out of a pack to attack Molly on Epsom Common that morning.

She said: "They pulled a whole slab of skin away. This was an out-and-out attack by two dogs."

The woman said she was walking the dog in area called the Folly when she spotted a man known to walk seven ‘Staffie-type’ dogs off the lead.

She said: "I saw him and I thought ‘no, no, no’."

As the dogs attacked the woman ran towards Molly and shouted at the man, who called off the dogs.

She then ran home by a different route and called warnings to other dog walkers as she went.

She said: "I’m calling out ‘stop, stop, come back, that lunatic’s up there.' I made poor Molly run."

Later that day Molly had to have an operation, which left her with ‘six inch’ stitches on her right side.

Molly’s owner said dog walkers wanted the man to put muzzles on his widely-feared dogs.

She said: "I’m fed up because I have failed to get anything done about him or his dogs. We live in fear when we take dogs out."

Epsom borough and Surrey County Councillor Colin Taylor said he was contacting the police inspector and borough council about the attack.

Coun Taylor said: "Clearly it is unacceptable for people to have dogs and not keep them under control in a public place."

(Surrey Comet - April 25, 2013)