Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pensioner suffers broken wrist fending off dog attacking pet

UNITED KINGDOM -- A pensioner from Eastrea near Peterborough needed hospital treatment after being left with a broken wrist and several bite wounds as she tried to protect her pet dog from attack.

Her two-year-old Jack Russell was so badly injured that a police car was used to rush it to the vets.

Janet Circuit (69), of Thornham Way, Eastrea, spent two days in hospital following the incident at a recreation ground near her home.

And she said the quick action of the police had probably saved her pet’s life.

Mrs Circuit was walking her dog called Suzy with her husband Albert (72) on June 29, when another dog, which they say resembled a Husky, broke free from its owner and rushed over.

Mrs Circuit, a retired school caretaker, held Suzy to protect her but was knocked over by the other dog when it launched itself at the Jack Russell. It had already knocked over Mr Circuit as he tried to grab its collar.

And while standing on top of Mrs Circuit, the dog bit her numerous times and then shoke Suzy while holding her between its jaws.

Mr Circuit said: “It was a horror show. I could see everything happening and just felt so inadequate because I couldn’t stop it.”

Neighbours, alerted by Mrs Circuit’s screams and shouts, came to the couple’s aid and with the owner helped separate the dogs.

Mrs Circuit said: “I can’t remember a lot of it. I felt the dog bite my wrist but after that I can’t really remember anything else.”

As well as a broken wrist, Mrs Circuit had a lump of flesh bitten from her hand, suffered a wound on her forearm, which bled for two days, where the dog sunk its teeth into her and also received bite marks to her fingers, chest and even lip.

Suzy received severe lacerations to her chest and back in the attack and had to undergo extensive surgery, having only been given a 50/50 chance of survival.

Mr Circuit said: “It just left me so frustrated and angry that this should happen.”

Mrs Circuit said: “If it had been a child, they could have been dead.”

Police look into the dog attack
A police spokesman confirmed officers are investigating a dog attack in Chilvers recreation ground, in Eastrea, on June 29, in which a 69-year-old local woman was taken to hospital and her dog taken for treatment at a vets.

The spokesman added: “The owner of the other dog has been interviewed and investigations are ongoing.”

(Peterborough Today - July 13, 2013)