Thursday, August 22, 2013

Three dogs shot after two people attacked in Oildale

CALIFORNIA -- A pit bull attack in Oildale has left one woman with major, but non life threatening injuries.

Deputies with the Kern County Sheriff's Office said the attack happened just before 8 o'clock in the morning in the 800 block of Washington Avenue.

The sheriff's office said a man went to an apartment looking for his son, who was living there with a tenant. As he approached, he was confronted by the dogs, two of which attacked him, the sheriff's office said.

The owner of the dogs said the man was not invited to the home and that's when the attack began.  The owner also said the dogs were just doing their job: protecting his property.

Neighbors heard his screams for help and one woman came armed with a shovel to fend off the dogs.

She then became a victim herself as two pit bulls viciously attacked her in the face, upper body and torso area.

Deputies arrived quickly and found the people on the ground in a backyard area being attacked, according to the sheriff's office. Two deputies opened fire, killing two of the dogs. The third dog was shot and wounded so badly that it was euthanized by Kern County Animal Control.

Three pit bulls were killed, officials said.

One of the pit bulls that were shot to death just had puppies, according to the owner. The owner is now going to bottle-feed them, but needs help with animal formula.

[He "needs help with animal formula?" What?! Number one: why is he breeding pit bulls? Number two: Why can't he buy his own damn formula? If the adult pit bulls are all dead now, well then, that means he doesn't have to buy dog food for three adult dogs. So why can't he use that money and go buy formula??

He could easily surrender them to a shelter to be cared for, but I know what his motivation is: he wants them to survive until they're weaned and then he can sell them for $100 apiece on craigslist.]

(KERO - Aug 22 2013)


  1. this man biting line will continue.

    i hope this fucktard who chose his mutants over his father doesn't get any help with formula.

  2. I think the owner needs help with a LOT more than just formula. Ah well. Perhaps his bottle raised man biting mutants will take his dumb ass out of the gene pool when they get a little bigger.

    1. Yes, just like those two pit bulls in Harris County last month attacked their 15-year-old owner, who had raised them from 4-week-old puppies. The land sharks were only 8-months-old, but the girl had more than 100 puncture wounds, even though family members came to her aid as soon as the attack started.

      I'd rather have a neighbor who owned a lion or wolf than one who owned a pit bull because lions and wolves attack only for food or out of fear while pit bulls attack purely for the fun of it! Watch a video of a pit bull (or pit bulls) attacking an animal or human and you will notice them wagging their ugly tails and having a grand old time as they try to rip their victim apart.

  3. Before I make my comment on this (being a next door neighbor)
    I would like to make a correction on the part of "the man visiting his son who lived there". The man went looking for his son who did not live there. He also knew prior to all this (being a friend of the dogs owner) that the dogs was aggressive to any one who entered the property with out being brought in with their owner, besides the big sign posted on the fence to the yard "GUARD DOGS ON DUTY *STAY THE F@#K OUT" so why would u even enter the yard let alone open someone's door to their home with out being invited in? So whois at fault people ? And as for the woman who lived in the house in front knows and is very aware of them dogs as well, but because being the sweet woman she is heard the man's screams for help put her self at risk to help the man escape the attack he brought upon his self. This is a very sad tragedy for both my neighbors to have to go through on top of the dogs losing their lifes cuz they were try n to pertect their home/5 day old puppies from an un-invited guest they knew was not suppose to be inside there. So please people if you can't understand this tragic and show your support with respect then your foolish words need to not speak until u know respect.. and for the real "f@#ktard" that made the statement hoping the owner gets no help with formula for them sweet innocent puppies , I would be careful of what you wish for if i was you cuz karma/god may be soon starving you.... smh .. really how could you say such thing.. As for my neighbors and their familys who suffer from all this I wish u all well and will have you in my prayers
    With all respect/love, Bridgette & Famiy

    1. @harbors_gyrl: Spoken and written like a true pit nutter! Instead of worrying about "them sweet innocent puppies," you should be somewhere taking a course in English grammar and composition!

      Before you start threatening people with the wrath of "God," if God cared anything about dogs, He would have created them. Dogs are the product of man’s meddling in nature. They are vile, destructive creatures that chase down and rip apart wildlife and other animals purely for sport. Their excrement kills grass and everything else it touches, then washes into bodies of water and kills marine life. Dogs are enemies of both nature and the environment. Additionally, they are the only mammals on earth (except pigs and rats) that will eat human excrement and even pigs and rats won't eat it unless they're starving, but dogs lap it up ice cream! God would have NEVER created something as filthy and destructive as dogs. If you really want to know what God thinks of dogs, read Revelation 22:15.

    2. I'm laughing hysterically!
      The fact that you first bring up how "God didn't create dogs", then try and attempt to get scientific with the animal and say why their urine kills grass and why they eat feces areally makes me just laugh.

      You do realize all animals urine has amonia in it?
      And if you're too stubborn to know what that is, that is a very harsh cemical compoind found in your bladder. So, if you pissed in your grass you would kill it - not just dogs.
      Moreover, dogs are not the only animal that eat feces. A very, very very large number of animals do.
      I do not know where you get the idea of them eating specifically eating human feces - I don't know why your dog is getting into your toilet bowl!

      I also had to point out "They are vile, destructive creatures that chase down and rip apart wildlife and other animals purely for sport."
      Are you saying humans don't do this either? lol! Because I sure as hell have seen so many humans kill for pleasure, whether our kind or an animal!

    3. To further add: You said dog's are "product of man’s meddling in nature"
      I thought religious people didn't believe in evolution?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Just saying that dogs are horrible destructive creatures is a joke. Nothing is more destructive than humans. Dogs are what we make them. **

    6. @Greer Wolf: I never said I was "religious." I'm not the one who brought "God" into the equation, that would be harbors_gyrl. A person doesn't have to be religious to know the Bible.

      @Breanna Law: If I ever see humans chasing down and ripping apart wildlife or livestock animals purely for the fun of it, I'll shoot them just like I do dogs! But I don't think I have to worry about that ever happening!

    7. @Greer Wolf: I wasn't referring to "urine," I was referring to dog s*it! "Excrement" means "s*it," NOT "urine!" Nowhere did I mention urine.

      Additionally, as you well know, I wasn't referring to "feces," in general, but to HUMAN "feces." Obviously, you've never been around a baby in diapers and had a freaking dog stick its filthy nose in the baby's behind trying to get at the excrement. A good example of how fond dogs are of human excrement occurred in Murietta, California, back in 2010 when Carrie McKinney set her 6-month-old son down in his car seat on the floor and a pit bull was so anxious to "get at" the pile in his diapers that it ate off the child's testicles along with the feces! Ever wondered why the homeless are so fond of dogs? Because the dogs "clean up" after them when they take a dump! The dogs keep their camps under bridges, in alleys, or wherever, clear of excrement! However, it's not only human feces that dogs find irresistible, they will also eat cat crap out of litter boxes.

      Did I say humans didn't kill animals for sport? Nevertheless, there is a world of difference between hunting and shooting an animal, which is later eaten, and a freaking dog chasing down and killing an entire flock of chickens, sheep, or whatever, and not eating a single bite of any of them!

  4. It's really frustrating when the media takes advantage of a situation, not even thinking of what it is doing to some people. Yes, a man and woman were attacked by three pit bulls in Oildale. But, let's see how this situation could have been avoided. The owner shouldn't have bred his dogs. We have enough pit bulls who need homes, and mama and daddy dog wouldn't allow strangers near her puppies. A man should NOT have entered a backyard that was not his. The woman should not have gone into the backyard knowing there was a dog attack happening. Call 911. One dog is enough to take on two people. Three dogs is much more dangerous, in an active attack. Worst part of it all is the dogs will be blamed. This breed will be blamed. When ANY dog in this situation could have done the same thing. I am sorry that majority of dogs in Oildale and the East side are pit bulls. If another breed attacked someone.... somehow I don't think it would have been blasted on the front page as "Labrador Retrievers Attack" or "Huskies Attack". Do labs and huskies bite people? Yes. All the time. If a strange man entered their backyard without their owner present would they attack someone? It is very likely. The neighbors stated that the dogs have ever been trouble. The owner took all three of them for walks, and some of the neighbors had even been in the backyard with the dogs and said they were were really good, sweet dogs. And, now this man's best friends are dead. I am sorry the man and women were attacked, but I don't think it is the dog's faults. It is especially not the breeds fault.

    1. @Breanna Law: "... mama and daddy dog wouldn't allow strangers near her puppies ...."

      So-called "daddy" dogs do NOT protect puppies! In fact, male dogs often kill (and sometimes eat) their own puppies. It is doubtful this attack had anything whatsoever to do with puppies, however, if the female dog attacked to keep someone away from her demon spawn, the other dogs would have joined in because that's what dogs do. If the dogs hadn't been vicious, the owners wouldn't have had "Beware of Dog" signs on their property. The land sharks attacked because they're pit bulls and that's what pit bulls do.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Have you ever noticed that people who have "Beware of Dog" signs on their fences, doors, etc. and own pit bulls don't have the proverbial "pot"? I have NEVER seen a "Beware of Dog" sign in a decent neighborhood!

    I Googled the 800 block of Washington Avenue where this incident occurred and the houses are shoe-box-sized and the so-called yards are barely big enough for a freaking Chihuahua, certainly not a bunch of pit bulls!

    Such people usually claim they have pit bulls for "protection," but what the heck are they "protecting"? Why would a burglar or thief waste their time breaking into these places when all the people who live there have are their "dawgs."
