It was a Friday, the kids did not have school, so she got them ready and took them to a friend's house who volunteered to watch the kids while Ryan was at work. Ryan said her friend offered her a drink, and they were chatting in the kitchen when one of the children came running in.
Ryan said someone screamed for her to call 911.
"I rushed, while on the phone with the 911 operator, to the back door and that's where I saw my little boy," she said. "And I just knew that, the way I seen him, it wasn't good."
Ryan told KTVB she has taken her kids over to this house before and never had a problem. However, she said did not know her friend recently adopted a pit bull.
"Unfortunately the worst case scenario did come true. It feels like it's a horrible nightmare," said Ryan.
Paramedics lost 5-year-old Jordan Ryan's heartbeat on the way to the hospital.
"I'm never going to see him ride his bike, and tell me how they called him 'Jumper' again," said Michelle Ryan. "Or how he's never going to beg me to bring him to grandma and grandpa's house and tell me that it's his time for grandpa time. And I think about it and I'm just like, my God, he's really gone."

Jordan loved being with his family and playing with the neighbor kids. He also loved animals, and his favorite was a white kitten named Lily. His mom Michelle said he was full of life, cared about everyone, and now she has to move on with just his memory.
"How do I pick up the pieces and put on a face to where people can think that I'm okay even though I'm dying inside? How can I pick up the pieces and make him proud," Ryan said.
Michelle Ryan said the case is still under investigation and she has not heard from police. As we have reported, the dog was put down. Ryan said none of the other kids were physically injured by the dog, but her two other children are still very upset.
(KTVB - Oct 10, 2013)
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Deletea recently adopted pit bull. i wonder when we will hear from the baby sitter? i wonder if she will be naming the nutters who pawned that ugly mutant off on her.