Friday, November 8, 2013

Pit bull Attack Leaves 4-Year Old In Hospital

FLORIDA -- A 4-year old is in the hospital after allegedly being attacked by pit bulls Thursday evening. Now the family and the people watching the dogs are telling two very different tales of what happened.

CBS4′s Jamie Guirola talked to all parties involved including the child’s  parents and the people watching the dogs.  Their accounts about what happened are drastically different.  Only one thing is for sure, a little boy is in the hospital after being attacked.

“I’m um I don’t even want to talk about it because my poor kid just came out to see what was going on and he heard his mom screaming and then he got attacked out of nowhere,blood everywhere, he’s afraid,” said Raisa Arcis, the victim’s mother.

Axel Donado was  in the hospital Thursday night after a pit bull took a chunk out of the back of Donado’s head and left ear.The two pit bulls that live next door were friendly with CBS4′s Jame — but are now under quarantine for attacking Axel but their caretakers insist they are not harmful.

“They are babies. He wanted to play, everybody got on top of him they started hitting him with rocks and stuff like that obviously the dog felt threatened,” said Vivian Cardet who says she was watching the dogs.

“Is this playing around, is this playing around , I don’t think that dog wanted to play. It was after blood,’ said Arcis.

Donado’s mom said the dogs got under the gate charged her and her chihuahua then her baby boy.

“I’m pissed off that’s why i didn’t even want to talk to you guys because i’m pissed off at the fact that they want to say that the dog wanted to play,” Arcis said.

Animal Control gave citations for the pit bulls getting loose and for biting somebody.  But Donado’s father said that just isn’t enough.

“A lot of things going on my mind, I just want to kill that dog to be honest with you I think its not fair that we have a child and there is two pit bulls next to us without leash,” said Donado’s father.

“Well one thing is what they want to say and one thing is what will happen because they’re mixed they have their papers and they live in Broward,” said Cardet.

Axel is expected to be okay.  The people “watching the dogs” said they are looking at some pretty heavy fines including $1,000 for the bite and $500 for each pit bull that got loose.

(cbs local - Nov 8, 2013)

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