It continued in March, when she was arrested for allegedly whacking her mother during a dispute over a misplaced iPad charger. At that time, she was reported to have been intoxicated.
And it resumed this month, when Superior Court Judge Richard Arnold pulled Rodriguez's bond and ordered her detained for violating conditions of her release by repeatedly testing positive for drug abuse.

On Friday, Superior Court Judge Earl Richards ordered Rodriguez, 24, of Ellsworth Street, to enter the in-patient substance-abuse program at Crossroads Inc. in New Haven. The program will file a report with the court on June 27 as to Rodriguez's compliance.
None of this sat well with the nine animal rights demonstrators who have been appearing in growing numbers at Rodriguez's court appearances.
"We're concerned she is seeking delays in order to sweep this under the rug," charged Jocelyn Baum, of Fairfield.
"But we're not going to let that happen. We will continue to come to her court appearances, but in larger numbers."
On Friday, they filled a front row right behind Rodriguez.
Sherri Pasquale, who made the long ride from Litchfield, wore a red T-shirt emblazoned with the words "Abuse Animals Go to Jail. It Should be That Simple" in large black letters.
The group also built a Facebook page titled "Justice for Puppy Dora," which has photos the black poodle puppy and "a gazillion followers," according to Baum.
"She's hasn't learned anything," Pasquale said of Rodriguez. "It's one thing after another with her."
Kelly Patrignelli, of Trumbull, termed Rodriguez's assignment as "a waste of a bed" that could go to someone more needy.
Rodriguez, who is in custody, could not be reached for comment.
She is charged with cruelty to animals in the dog's death and third-degree assault, disorderly conduct and interference in connection with the assault on her mother.

Senior Assistant State's Attorney Judy Stevens, who is prosecuting Rodriguez, said the state is taking this case very seriously.
"My position is it deserves a period of incarceration," Stevens said.
Rodriguez is accused of killing the puppy following a nearly half-hour beating because it wouldn't stop barking.
A neighbor told police he heard the dog's distressing cries grow fainter and fainter before stopping altogether.

Later, he saw Rodriguez and a man bury the dog in the backyard of her home.
The neighbor dug up the battered puppy's tiny body and brought it to the animal shelter. A necropsy determined Dora died from blows to the head.
(CT Post - May 24, 2014)