Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Deputies shoot, kill pit bull in San Marcos

CALIFORNIA -- A viewer called 10News, outraged after sheriff's deputies walked onto her property through a closed fence marked with a sign that read "Beware of Dog" and then shot and killed her dog when it approached them.

"He was shot over here and we found him over on this side," said Pietra McCotter as she walked 10News cameras around her San Marcos home.

Her 7-month-old pit bull named Oden ran to the back of the house after being shot twice in the side.

"He actually was laying right here and he took his last breaths," McCotter said as she started to cry.  "My boyfriend picked him up and put him in my car, thinking we could take him to the vet and save him, but it was already too late."

Oden was one of three pit bulls on the property on Sarver Lane. A neighbor had called deputies about the dogs being outside the home's large, fenced-in yard.

According to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, no one greeted deputies at the gate when they came to investigate, so they opened it up and walked in.

"They said that they were at the bottom of the gate hollering and got no response," said McCotter.

A news release from the sheriff's department read, "While attempting to make contact, three pit bulls emerged from inside the home through an open patio door and charged at the deputies. One deputy, fearing for his safety and believing he was about to be bitten, fired two rounds, quickly dispatching the dog."

Afterward, the Mccotters were never charged for the initial call. They say it is because the dogs were never out and the neighbor identified the wrong pit bulls.

10News called the Escondido Humane Society to get its take on how the events unfolded, but a representative said they were never notified.

"There needs to be some recourse," said McCotter. "Sheriffs cannot come on to private property and just shoot."

(10News - May 27, 2014)

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