Thursday, February 26, 2015

Netherton grandfather "gutted" after ponies killed by dogs

UNITED KINGDOM -- A NETHERTON grandfather has spoke of his devastation after his three Shetland ponies died after being attacked by dogs.

Two dogs savagely attacked 15-year-old Henrietta, Daisy, aged 13 and one-year-old Ruby, who were kept on fields off Parkfield Road, Dudley, on Friday (February 21).

By the time their 62-year-old owner Brynley Hall arrived, Henrietta had already died as a result of her injuries.

He said the remaining animals were also destroyed due to their “horrific injuries” and added: “It was very distressing to see, I'm just gutted."

The grandfather-of-four who lives in Derby End, said in the 50 years he has kept horses on fields he had "never seen anything like it" and described it as looking like a murder scene.

Police were able to seize the dogs from an address in Parkfield Road after obtaining a warrant later that night.

A West Midlands Police spokesman said the animals are currently being held in kennels while their breed and fate are determined.

An investigation is ongoing and the dog’s owners have been located and interviewed by officers.
Anyone with information about the attack should call police on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555111.

(Dudley News - Feb 25, 2015)

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