Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Penny Gantzhorn insists her animals were well taken care of... even all the dead ones

NEW JERSEY -- Wagon Wheel Stables in Oak Ridge is an unsanitary place and despair for animals. The NJSPCA recently shut it down.

Emails and photos were received last week to show that the animals were dying.

The owner, Florence “Penny” Gantzhorn, denies the fact that animals are dying despite the charges of death by neglect filed by the NJSPCA.


“You know what, my mom died here too but I didn't kill her, she was seventy something odd years old. They die!” she said.

The chicken coop at the stable is a good example of the reasons the animals are being taken away, it's filled with animal feces with a dead chicken inside as well.


Matthew Stanton, NJSPCA Spokesman, stated, “Each criminal charge carries a thousand dollars per fine. The focus now is taking care of the animals and getting them off the property.”
Gantzhorns reaction to the whole affair showed detachment and self-pity.

“That's my horse, my horse don't look good. If he didn't look good, why didn't you come up last week? Why did you come up the week before?” she questioned.

However, Gantzhorn agreed to let the animals be removed in exchange for the charges being dropped.

This is absolutely the wrong thing to do.  People like her, ones who insist they're doing nothing wrong, are the ones who MUST be prosecuted. Otherwise, they'll go right out and do it again.


Gantzhorn has been battling an illness and was recently hospitalized. She blames the whole unfortunate circumstance on people who are out to get her.

NJSPCA officials say that the neglect has been going on for years and it involves cruelty that predates any sickness that Penny may have recently suffered.
(My9NJ - April 13, 2015)


  1. I boarded my beautiful horses there.... Penny is a great lady!she had a little issue but she did ask for help!

  2. She was a nasty ass loser . She abused those animals and left them in the woods to die
    Nkt a good person

  3. Back in 2005, we boarded there,for a short time this woman has been abusing animals for years!!! We had the ASPCA and the police there several times and THEY NEVER ENDED UP DOING MUCH OF ANYTHING. THEY WOULD GO THERE INCVESTIGATE AND LEAVE AND LEAVE ALL THOSE POOR SOULS THERE TO SLOWELY DIE AND SUFFER!! DISCUSTING SIN!! We even went there after we moved our horse and tried to get help, she kicked us out off her property. Sick to my stomache to know that it took until 2015 for them to finally do something about this piece of crap that calls herself a woman scum bag!!!! It has taken years and years to finally get those poor animals out of there. Penny is a scum bag!!! We offered to help her and she didnt want help she would not let us take a sheep to the vet who had its intestines hanging out of its but she refused to let us help the poor animal. She had babies and a mama pig in winter conditions, snow freezing cold with no bedding no food nothing!!!! We brought a wooded hut and hay and food for them,she wouldn't let us bring them to a rescue for help.... She is a SCUM BAG!!!! DESERVES TO ROT IN HELL!!! StARVED ANIMALS FOR YEARS AND NOTHING WAS DONE ABOUT IT UNTIL 2015. WHAT A SIN!!! ALL WHO HAD ANYTHING TO DO with Scum bag penny is also a SCUM BAG PENNY deserves same treatment that she put on all those hundreds and hundreds of poor animals all the years she has been on this earth!!!! We also. Found several dead animals in the woods that were dumped with manure piled onto of them. There was also a guy that used to work there names pete, he lived there too, rented a room from penny. very nice guy... one day he vanished, we never saw him again. Penny said he just left... meanwhile, he left his wallet, dentures and truck at her house.... who knows what happened to the poor guy.

  4. That person who says penny is a good person should be ashamed of themselves!!! They are either lieing or very stupid!!!!!
