Sunday, May 24, 2015

Washington: Police Officers Break Into Car To Rescue Puppies

WASHINGTON -- Saving adorable puppies is all in a day's work for the officers of the Bothell Police Department in Washington State. On Monday, the police department tweeted a photo of two little cuties rescued from a locked car.

Luckily, officers saved the pups before they got too hot (they were just a little thirsty).

The cops made sure to also tweet out a helpful reminder to pet owners that even when the temperature outside is mild, cars can quickly become dangerously hot for the pets left inside them. Dogs should never, ever be left alone in the car on a warm day.

The owner of the pups was given a ticket and "provided with education from our animal control officer," the police department said in a tweet from later that same day.

Each year as the weather gets warmer, there are more and more stories about dogs left in cars that quickly heat up to unhealthy temperatures. In a similar story, earlier this month a man was arrested for breaking into a hot car to rescue a trapped dog. Charges were later dropped, but it's safe to assume that if the event had happened in Bothell, he would have had the police firmly on his side.

(The Dodo - May 20, 2015)

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