Last Wednesday, Yogi attacked three people in a park, leaving one, Kati Mather, in critical condition after she was bitten more than 100 times. She has successfully undergone emergency surgery and is recovering.

Lucas MacNeil, the dog's owner, is also the boyfriend of Mather's twin sister, Jessi. The two women were playing in the park with Jessi's three-year-old son when the dog attacked, according to the young boy's father.
Officers found Kati Mather on the ground, covered in blood and trying to fend off the 35-kilogram dog. A Good Samaritan was also hurt.
"My dog was taken without permission from his home when I have stated many times not to take my dog without me," said MacNeil on his Facebook page, where he has been posting photos and videos of Yogi.
The video is part of a social media campaign that portrays Yogi as a sweet, lovable dog.

Since last Wednesday, the Rottweiler-husky has been in isolation at the Richmond animal shelter.
"Yogi is deemed a dangerous animal because of the incident that happened, which was very serious," said Eyal Lichtmann with the Richmond Animal Protection Society.
"His behaviour has been mostly normal — maybe a tiny little bit aggressive at times depending on the individual that's working with him, but other than that he's actually been pretty good."
Putting the dog down may be an option.
"There's a variety of options — who cares for the dog, how the dog is cared for going forward, up to and including euthanasia," said City of Richmond spokesman Ted Townsend.
A decision is expected soon.
(CBC - Jan 4, 2016)
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