Saturday, November 12, 2016

Louisiana: Psychopathic Stanley Family Savagely Beat a Concerned Neighbor for Asking Questions about Dog Whose Throat They Slit And Tortured

LOUISIANA -- Two members of the Stanley family have been arrested and charged with battery since the original dog killing video was released for assaulting local resident 65 year old Andrew Payne.

Payne drove past the Bootstrap Kill Pen to find out more about the dog that was killed.


As he was parked on the road, Boots Stanley’s father, Greg Stanley, and cousin Michael Stanley, assaulted him, hitting him with a board and fists through his car windows.

“He [Mitchell Stanley] approached my vehicle [accused him of stealing from them] and said ‘We’re going to call the police’, and I said ‘Fine.  I’ll wait. . want me to wait for the police?  Someone [reached through his passenger side] pulled me over from the right, from the passenger window and said, ‘You’re waiting for me,” says Payne.

“Mr. Payne advised that he was battered by a Greg Stanley who was on the passenger side of the vehicle that you cannot see in the video,” says Chief Campbell.

Boots’s father, Greg Stanley, was arrested and charged with simple battery.

Boots’s cousin,  Michael Bryan Stanley, was arrested with aggravated battery.


“I left right away, I had blood coming out, so I just went to the police station and filed a complain right there.  I’m really not sure of what to do at this point. . I’ve had people say you need to get out of town, and I can’t let that drive me out of town,” says Payne.

This Psychopathic family feel that the law does not apply to them and also they are managing horses and other animals can you imagine the horrors the animals face daily? The following photos are of Boots Stanley after he beat a horse to death with a stick because it was easier than trying to get him out of being stuck in the mud.

Boots Stanley, son of Greg Stanley, own and operate Bootstrap Louisiana Kill Pen a facility that buys horses and sells them for slaughter in Mexico.


Stanley, and friend Steven Sadler, were arrested after posting a video of themselves torturing a pit bull and then slitting his throat and watching him bleed to death.

Only at the last minute does the poor dog
suddenly appear to realize something bad
is about to happen.

They were released on bail and entered a plea of “Not Guilty” on September 20.

A new photo show Stanley sitting on a horse that he beat to death with a stick for being stuck in the mud and the other photo shows Stanley holding up his blood covered hand, with the horse’s blood splattered across his face and shirt, grinning like it’s the best thing that has happened to him.


(The Monsters Among Us - Oct 10, 2016)



  1. You sick sorry low life don't deserve to live. Torturing animals and killing them for the fun of it. Something needs to be done before you start murdering people next....

  2. Shame on that sadistic low life for wearing a cross around his neck.
