Thursday, November 17, 2016

Mississippi: Woman scolds WLOX for giving man platform to try to convince us his pit bulls aren't vicious

MISSISSIPPI -- A few days ago two young boys were viciously attacked by a "part" pit bull. One boy, Jaxon Ronsonet, may lose his leg.


I was shocked to see your interview on yesterday's news with the dog's owner and a similar dog. You allowed this man to try to convince us of how sweet the dogs can be, instead of stressing the dangers.

Cleo, the pit bull which attacked the boys

It also seemed you were putting your employees in danger, almost promoting this "sweet nature" by having your interviewer and cameraman right in front of it and the dog was not on a leash.

Two crimes were committed, the dog had not received rabies shots and leash law was broken yet this was not stressed in your interview.

From the interview:

"I'm losing a family member," Travis Holloway said.

Holloway's love for pit bulls can be clearly seen in the way he interacts with his own. It was his dog's sister, Cleo, that attacked the boys.

The attack happened in what he calls a "freak accident."

"I couldn't be mad at her. It's not her fault; she didn't know no better," Holloway said.



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