NEW ZEALAND -- My son was attacked by two Pit Bulls whilst jogging tonight, He's been bitten on the arm, but managed to scare the dogs away, their owner was just sitting inside a car looking on, just letting the dogs do what they do. Swine. The Council passed a bill saying all dogs must be on a leash, I've stopped walking on Brighton beach because of all the unleashed dogs that run up to me, barking their heads off.
Owners always say 'Fido doesn't bite' or some puerile statement like that. How do we know they're not going to bite? I haven't seen ONE person prosecuted for not having a dog on a leash. I like dogs, cats, etc. But this is beyond the pale, when other people can't go jogging, walking, etc. because of the behavior of other people's animals where's the justice?
MY son is control is coming to see him tomorrow but I doubt if anything will happen to the cretin who owned the mutts. He had a tattoo over one eye and a big one on his neck. If I find out who he is, he might have a tattoo between his eyes.
Lynne James That's awful Kath - it's such a worry knowing that there are dog owners out there who don't give a damn about what their animals get up to :(
Kathleen Lafferty Thank you all, I'm just so angry. The dog ranger came round today, he told us that as Tapi only got two numbers off the registration of the dick's car, they couldn't do anything. Why bother to come round? I asked him if anyone had ever been fined for having an unleashed dog...he said, yes, they have. 'Do they pay their fines?" Um...hmm. and then he changed the subject. It's a $300 fine but idiots who let their dogs run loose usually never pay fines anyway.
Our bloody laws are so toothless. Tapi's okay, but he's angry. Oh, and one more thing, was driving down the street a couple of days ago, two kids aged around 8 threw something at my car, when I checked, there were dents in it. Rang their school, gave a good description of the kids, got the answerphone, have heard nothing.