UNITED STATES -- A teen was arrested for scalding a cat after the video blew up on Facebook. It will take more than angry comments to catch these monsters, though. Thankfully, law enforcement is getting serious about the problem.
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Illinois: Leon Teague, 18, charged with pouring boiling water on cat while his friend recorded it |
On Feb. 2, an 18-year-old from Chicago’s south side Grand Crossing neighborhood posted a video to his Facebook page depicting himself boiling a pan of water, coaxing a friendly cat to his front door, then throwing the hot water on it, severely scalding the cat. The yowl of terror and pain the feline let out is blood curdling.
The perpetrator, Leon Teague, posted his video to his Facebook page under the pseudonym Glock Boy MurDoc. In posting the footage, he opened his act of animal abuse to public scrutiny. As is common to controversial social media content, reactions were vastly divided. Some liked the post and wrote joking comments, while others were horrified, irate, and disgusted.
Bringing an act of animal torture into the spotlight via social media incites a host of problems and questions.
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Illinois: Trial set for Chazz Lindsey, 18, who is accused of videotaping himself and his friends torturing kittens to death |
What is so special about this particular case on feline abuse, when it happens daily without broadcast? Why does public dialog quickly devolve into negative assumptions, threats of violence, and racial slurs? Why is there no conscious awareness of right and wrong with these perpetrators, allowing them to not only commit calculated acts of abuse but also brag about it? Are those who are outraged overreacting to an animal many consider a nuisance? Why should we even care about a homeless, stray animal? Does rebuttal or expressing disgust on social media really make a difference?
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California: San Jose accused cat killer Robert Farmer sexually abused at least one of the felines he tortured and killed |
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California: "Cats are his favorite animal" says aunt of Cody High, 24, who's accused of nearly killing cat after taping its face and legs and stuffing it inside a backpack |
Awaiting arraignment today, if Teague is found guilty, he will have to serve one year mandatory up to five years in prison for a felony count of animal torture, and one misdemeanor count of cruelty depiction, as well as a fine up to $25,000.
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Michigan: Battle Creek cat shot with crossbow |
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Texas: Herber Martinez, 23, tortured and killed cat and hung it from a guardrail |
But what makes this case any different than the thousands of other animal cruelty cases Chicago handles each year? If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, does it make a sound? If a cat is tortured by someone lacking empathy and there’s no video or witness to prove it, does anyone care?
According to the ASPCA, there are an estimated 70 million stray, feral, and colony cats in the U.S.
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Cat drags itself to a house and 'cries' for help after Russian thug shoots it with an arrow and paralyzes its back legs |
While cats are considered beloved pets by 35 percent of American households, that leaves 65 percent indifferent about them or consider cats “useless,” explains Tree House Humane Society Director Jenny Schlueter. In speaking with The Daily Beast, she also explained many actually consider them a nuisance more along the lines of a city rat rather than our utilitarian canine companions. There are even veterinarians sworn to protect animals who brag about their murderous contempt for cats.
Cat torture, abuse, and neglect happens daily, not only in Chicago, but in every metropolitan area and small town alike. As Chicago Police Lt. John Garrido related to The Daily Beast, unreported criminal activity is one of the biggest obstacles to investigating and prosecuting cat cruelty cases. Where lack of empathy is not an issue, witnesses in high-crime neighborhoods are hesitant to call 911. CPD has a less than sterling rapport with its minority populations (look to the Laquan McDonald situation as an example of turbulent police-community relations), and residents do not want to cause waves by summoning the police to their block.
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Maryland: Beloved cat named Sheldon shot and killed with bow and arrow |
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Connecticut: Cat SURVIVES after being impaled by thugs who decided to use him for target practice |
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New Jersey: Pregnant cat killed after being shot by arrows in Old Bridge |
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United Kingdom: Authorities looking for person who held down girl's cat and shot an arrow into its head |
There are over 70,000 calls to animal control annually in Chicago. But there are only four officers dedicated to investigating animal-cruelty cases. Garrido points out that Illinois has the the toughest laws on animal abuse (PDF). But even when a cat-abuse crime is reported and a criminal identified, a case cannot be prosecuted without a willing witness and undeniable proof.

With injured cats fleeing the scene of their trauma, there is literally no body of evidence, and thus no case. He is hopeful the stiffer penalties and the FBI’s new policy of adding felony-animal convictions to the National Incident-Based Reporting System will deter future acts of violent against animals.
But, the new FBI data collecting is simply a method of profiling convicts, not a system of punishment. It will be several years before we know its effectiveness.
Canada: Ten-month sentence for Zachary Allen McKinnon,19, for torturing, killing, cooking friend’s cat |
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Florida: Travis William Jaggers, 41, arrested after beating his partner's cat to death with a hammer |
Social media also play a crucial role in bringing awareness to cat cruelty, and helps constantly financially strapped no-kill rescue raise funds to further their rescue, rehabilitation, and education efforts. Chicago’s Felines and Canines has been posting updates on the abused cat they are now caring for and have named Driver.
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United Kingdom: Soldier and his wife set attack dog free to rip apart cat in front of horrified primary schoolchildren |
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Texas: 81 Year Old Man Arrested on Animal Torture Charges |
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Michigan: Elderly woman's cat found shot with bow and arrow in Michigan |
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New York: Cat shot with crossbow survives; police searching for suspect |
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Oregon: Dead cat found on 'makeshift operating table' |
It was also due to backlash of Teague’s arrest and his friends posting public threats to other neighborhood cats until Teague is released, that rescue Tree House Humane Society sprung into action to find, trap, spay, foster, and relocate as many other cats in the Grand Crossings area as possible. So far, they’ve found 19 felines with various signs and scars of abuse and illness, and they’re receiving daily calls from area residents who are now aware of their presence and rescue efforts. Not only has Facebook given offenders a platform to taunt animal lovers, it also provides a safe, anonymous vehicle to ask for help without police involvement.
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Indiana: Animal control investigates burned cat |
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Washington: 16 year old boy charged with shooting cat in head with bow and arrow |
The anonymity of social media also empowers cyberbullies and trolls to destroy unity and compassion for animal abuse and rescue. For every person sharing a story of sympathy or sadness, there are twice as many posting videos of puppy tossing and cat torture as entertainment.
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Ohio: Cat found burned, abused; 2nd case of Middletown animal abuse in week |
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Nevada: Elizabeth Bergland accused of beating, strangling 2 cats to death |
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Iowa: Justin Jacoby, 36, strangled his cat and then drank its blood |
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New York: Judge's son caught in ladies bathroom preparing to torture kittens to death. Dad insists, "He's a good kid." |
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Colorado: Man Accused Of Filming Torture And Murder Of Kitten |
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Canada: Cat shot with an arrow in Viking |
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Louisiana: Former mayor, Wilson Longanecker Jr., pleads guilty to child porn and torturing cats to death |
Tree House’s Schlueter was quick to point out the negativity and mythology of cats is not tied to any one ethnic group or socio-economic demographic. There are an equal number of cat lovers and cat haters in any given Chicago neighborhood.
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Michigan: Authorities search for kids who poured kerosene on cat |
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Florida: Toby Gaines, 14, charged with animal cruelty for torturing and burning cats to death |
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Philippines: Shocking pictures show cat who was burned alive and dumped in horrific case of animal cruelty |
So we’re still at the point of asking “Why should we care about abuse that happens to a feral, ownerless cat? Why are we investing in pesky critters when there are human crimes to address?”
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United Kingdom: Teenage thug LANCE ELGAR who kicked and burned a cat to death after downing a bottle of whisky walks free from court |
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In Massachusetts, when you kill a cat by cooking it to death in a dryer, you get probation |
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Oklahoma: David Todd accused of torturing his cat and swinging it "like a bowling ball" |
Numerous studies cite animal abuse as the beginning of most violent offenders’ criminal legacy—particularly rapists, serial killers, and domestic abusers. With the toughest and most detailed animal-abuse laws of all 50 states (PDF), Illinois’ felony animal-abuse conviction requires a mandatory psychological evaluation and subsequent treatment. This offers a way to redirect felons and possibly address underlying sociopathic issues, preventing future abuse—to animals and humans.
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Alabama: Ronald Golden Finds Cats On Craigslist, Tortures and Kills Them |
Working with verified nonprofit, no-kill rescues builds community togetherness, trust, and safety for witnesses of animal crimes and the victims. If the rescue has a TNR program, they may not eradicate all of the strays now, but spay/neuter does have a high success rate over time in lowering stray populations and kill rates in open access shelters.
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Indiana: Residents say teens lit cat on fire and beat it to death, officials investigate |
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Michigan: Richard Bancroft arrested after allegedly setting kittens on fire, breaking cat’s neck |
In 1997, Chicago was cited as having the worst animal control kill rate, with 93 percent of its 28,000 animals euthanized. Through the tireless efforts of dozens of no-kill rescues and successful programs like Tree House’s Community Cats TNR and PAWS Chicago Community Outreach, there were 17,000 animals admitted to the city shelter, with only 27 percent never making it out. In 10 years, stray numbers were reduced by 10,000.
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Animal cruelty is called a gateway crime. Steven Avery poured gasoline on his cat and threw it into a fire to burn to death, but 200,000 are duped by a Netflix movie |
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Illinois: Sheldon Taulbee, who severed cat's head, sexually abused minor sent to prison |
Social media’s effect on efforts to further prevent cat abuse will never fade. But what if more people angered by these heinous acts volunteered more and spewed less bile online? What if more compassionate people reached out to under-served communities to educate people who’ve never been presented the basic idea of animal kindness nor offered non-violent solutions to their concerns? Not everyone has to start adoring cats, but they can at least build an understanding of respect for other living beings if encouraged. And we can stop using media as a tool for hatred and mistrust.
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Oregon: This is what's wrong with our country: Rudy Espinoza gets more jail time for having ecstasy pills than for decapitating his mother's cat |
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Nevada: Rory White, 21, accused of torturing, killing cat arrested |
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Connecticut: Carlos Trinidad, 30, tortured his girlfriend's cat; told cops he doesn't know what the big deal is |
Schlueter is hopeful the attention this scalded cat case has generated can be turned into an opportunity for dialog about animal compassion and more confident community building across the divide.
(Daily Beast - Feb 18, 2016)
All reported cases of cat-killings and cat-mutilations are being totally misread and misunderstood by cat-lickers. (Like that's any surprise, have they ever understood ANYTHING in their lives? No. They don't even realize that 99% of those mutilated cats are caused by coyotes and other predatory animals, animals that belong here, unlike your vermin invasive-species cats.)
ReplyDeleteEach dead or mutilated cat (no matter where it is found, nor what killed nor maimed it) is a blatantly clear, perfectly just, and wholly equitable message right back to the criminally irresponsible and criminally negligent cat-lickers. That message goes like this: "See what happened to your cat? This is what your animal did to the animals that I love, animals who evolved to be here, who have every right to be on this planet right where they are, your man-made invasive-species vermin cats DO NOT. Enjoy your maimed/mutilated/dead cat, you lousy disrespectful piece-of-shîť for a human!"
You're ONLY getting back EXACTLY what you give to all other life on the planet. Nothing more than that. So why are you so upset by it? How good does that much-deserved karma, that you've had coming all your life, finally feel?
I've had to shoot and bury HUNDREDS of these invasive species piece-of-shîť vermin on my lands to stop them from gutting-alive and skinning-alive all the NATIVE wildlife on my lands -- AS-IS THE LEGAL RIGHT OF EVERY LAND-OWNER. The eradication of hundreds of these vermin was so complete and effective that I've not seen nor heard even one cat in SIX YEARS now. So much for that deceptive and manipulative "vacuum effect" lie of theirs. And all accomplished for less than the cost of a couple cups of coffee. (5,000 rounds of .22s on a close-out sale for only $15 does wonders. That's 3 cats PER PENNY permanently vaccinated against all diseases (even those for which vaccines do not exist and are therefore listed as bio-terrorism agents), sterilized, and even given a permanent and loving "furever home" 2-3 ft. under.)
The #1 rule now is: ANY non-native cat that is allowed to illegally hunt native wildlife on my lands then in turn gets hunted until dead. NO delays, NO excuses, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Why aren't you outdoor cat-hoarders in prison yet and paying hefty fines for every last animal-abandonment, animal-neglect, and animal-endangerment law on every book in every county in every last state? Along with every last invasive-species law and environmental-protection-act on earth. That's what I'd like to know. The fines from that alone could pay for enough ammo to be rid of every last one of your vermin on this whole planet in only 1 year. Hunted-to-extinction WORKS! Just ask the Passenger-Pigeon. Oh wait, you can't.
Bottom line: If you don't want to take care of your cat in the manner that YOU see fit, then I guarantee you that I WILL take care of your cat in the manner that I see fit -- ONE TIME. And it only takes one time. See one, shoot one, A.S.A.P. Simple as that. (I lost count somewhere over 500 of these vermin shot dead and buried.)
If you let your vermin roam free and it gets hurt or it dies, NO MATTER HOW IT GETS HURT OR DIES, that is **YOUR** fault and you can be charged with all laws that clearly define animal-neglect, animal-abandonment, and animal-endangerment. Not to mention every last invasive-species law and environmental-protection-act on earth.
Do you actually love your vermin? Or are you just using it as a highly expendable animal-sacrifice to manipulate everyone in your life? I guess we'll find out when your piece-of-shîť vermin never comes home.
PSA: The time is now .... Half-Past Kill-Kitty O'Clock .... do you know where your piece-of-shîť, disease-infested, invasive species, vermin cat is? If not, grab a shovel and I'll show you where its new "loving furever-home" is now.