Sunday, August 21, 2011

Anger over rottweiler’s dog attack

UNITED KINGDOM -- A WOMAN has told of the moment she fought off a rottweiler which attacked her dog.

Tonia Evans was walking her dog, Betty, at Fort Gilkicker in Gosport when she says a rottweiler came tearing along the path and pounced on the border collie.

When the 58-year-old tried to pull the animal off her pet, she was knocked into a bush, which scatched her.

Betty was left with cuts around her eyes after the incident.

Ms Evans, of Cobden Street, Gosport, is now warning other dog walkers to be on their guard when taking their pets to the beauty spot.

She said: ‘It was frightening.

‘Nothing like that has ever happened to me before when I’ve been out walking her.

‘She’s very docile and placid.

‘There were actually two rottweilers and they started charging at us.

‘The owner called them back but only one turned around.

‘The other one grabbed hold of my dog.

‘I couldn’t even see my dog because this one was right on top of her. I hurt my arm trying to get the dog off.

‘Betty had blood running down her face.

‘My dog got away lightly but other people should watch out in case they aren’t so lucky.’

Ms Evans called police at 3.50pm and they turned up to speak to the rottweiler’s owner.

They are now investigating the incident.

The 58-year-old says she is now too afraid to walk her dog at Fort Gilkicker again.

After the attack, Ms Evans walked to the nearby Gosport and Fareham Inshore Rescue Service lifeboat station.

She added: ‘I am so grateful to the lifeboat crew who were there because they sat me down and made me a cup of tea.

‘They wanted to make sure I was alright because I was so shaken up.

‘They were extremely helpful. ‘I was left feeling quite angry because the owner of the rottweiler didn’t seem to care about the welfare of me or of my dog.

‘It has put me off going there any more and I’ve been afraid to take Betty out for a walk since.

‘She seems to be feeling much better though and hopefully I won’t have to take her to the vet.’

(Portsmouth - August 20, 2011)