Friday, July 27, 2012

Cats rescued from filthy garage

OHIO -- Sixteen cats found living in feces and trash were rescued by the Geauga County Humane Society. The cats were confined to a dangerously hot garage when they were found.

"These cats are victims of trauma and will need kind, patient individuals to adopt and work with them," Barnee Woolf with the GHS said. "These cats deserve no less help than what was, and is still being offered to the shepherds."

Video of two of the cats rescued were posted on YouTube by the GHS. They are nursing the cats until they are adopted.

You can help by donating to Project S.A.V.E., which helps fund veterinary care to rescued cats. The GHS says several cats are currently up for adoption. You can visit to donate and find out more about donating to Project S.A.V.E.

(WOIO - July 26, 2012)