Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Pit Bull Attack Injuring Two People Caught On Tape

NEBRASKA -- Both mother and son were injured in the attack and are currently in the hospital.  A neighbor's security camera caught it all on tape.

The attack happened around 5 p.m. on Monday on W. North Front Street in Grand Island.
According to police, Kayla and her son Hayden Shoestring were in the backyard of the house they were staying at.

Until the pit bull became aggressive.

"They're a powerful dog," said executive director of the Central Nebraska Humane Society Laurie Dethloff.

"Every now and then you have a dog attack that should leave a bite or something like that. Some like this in my experience is very rare," said Butch Hurst with the Grand Island Police Department.

"His [Hayden] mother woke to screaming and went outside to see him being bit by a male pit bull and push him into the house for his safety and then started running to his neighbors to get help," said Dethloff.

The neighbor caddy–corner to the house where the pit bulls lived had cameras and caught the whole attack. As you see in the video above Kayla and Hayden run for help after first getting bitten at their own house. The owner of the Pit Bulls says she was shocked at the behavior because it was out of character for the dog.

"It was such a shock. I didn't recognize it. He was not the dog I raised from 4 weeks old. It was not that dog," said owner Glenda Aguilar.

A bloodied broom is what 4-year-old Hayden used to hit the pit bull to stop attacking his mother.

Blood on the sidewalk shows the path of the Shoestings trying to brace for cover only to find out that their neighbors we're home so the Pit Bull kept on attacking.

"I think I just froze. I just thought to help her. That's all I could think of was to help her," said Aguilar.

"The biggest trigger we feel was not being spayed or neutered and that the female maybe have been coming or is in season which would create a male having more dominant tendencies," said Dethloff.

"Something happened to him. God knows and we have to leave it in his hands," said Aguilar.

Kayla is in fair condition at Bryan LGH West hospital in Lincoln. Her son Hayden is in stable condition at Saint Francis Hospital in Grand Island.

The pit bull was taken to the Central Nebraska Humane Society and was put down earlier today.

(NebraskaTV - Feb 6, 2013)
