Friday, February 1, 2013

Boynton family gets little help from insurance after toddler is attacked by pit bull

FLORIDA -- A toddler injured in a pit bull attack needs at least three operations. But her parents say the insurance company has offered little help.

Shelby Churey, 2, of Boynton Beach was bitten by her uncle's pit bull dog November 4, 2012. The dog named "Ice" was put to sleep.

Shelby's parents said the insurance company, Florida Healthy Kids Corporation, won't pay for the surgery the toddler needs because it's considered cosmetic. Shelbys' mother told us she's frustrated.

"Very annoyed, I mean you pay money each month for insurance and then when it comes down to needing help, they just turn you away," said Michelle Churey, Shelby's mother.

We were unable to reach Florida Healthy Kids for comment.

However, Shelby's mom said thanks to generous donations from the community, they have managed to raise enough money to pay for the first of three operations the little girl needs.

According to her mother, that surgery will be performed in a couple of weeks.

(CBS12 - Jan 31, 2013)
