Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dogs thrown to pit bulls and killed

GEORGIA -- It's a horrible case of animal cruelty apparently done just for the amusement of the teenagers responsible.

Tonight Albany Police are trying to figure out who threw small dogs over a South Albany family's fence, to watch the family's pit bulls fight and kill them.

The Ponder family are dog lovers, and they are stunned that teenagers in their neighborhood could be so cruel to kill dogs for what they figure are just kicks. And they are not happy their dogs are being used as the killing instruments.

The body of a small brown dog is in the wheelbarrow by the Ponder's garage in the 600 block of Dorsett Avenue. Tuesday afternoon about 5 Angela Ponder heard her pet pit bulls Bo and Brandy upset.

Angela Ponder said "So I went to the back window, and that's when I saw the two young men. Had the dog in their hands. One with both foot and paws, and they threw him across the fence."

Angela ran outside, but it was too late.

 Angela Ponder said "My dogs had the dog. Just killed the dog."

More horrifying, this was the second day in a row the Ponder's found a dead dog in their yard. Now they knew how the first one, a black schnauzer, got inside their fence.

Ronald Ponder said "The kids in the neighborhood, they just want to get some kicks. Or whatever it is. And they taking the small dogs and they throwing them over the fence, just to see them fight. Which is awful."

Ronald and Angela Ponder show us their dogs are not killers, just loving pets.  But feel Brandy was protecting her 8 week old puppies.

 Do you think your dog is vicious? Angela Ponder said "Oh no, no sir they are not vicious. But like I said she was only protecting her babies."

[Why is she breeding mongrel pit bulls in the first place?!]

The Ponders built this six foot tall locked fence around their yard, with barb wire around the top to protect their dogs.  And they don't want people to think Bo and Brandy are dangerous. They called police to report the animal cruelty.

Ronald Ponder said "We feel so bad for the little small dogs. The victims. And it's just senseless."

The Ponders say they of course want to protect their family pets, but they also want the teenage boys caught, so they don't hurt any more animals.

Police are investigating. The Ponders are asking their neighbors to help them keep a vigilant watch for these teenagers and stop them from killing any other defenseless animals.

If you know anything about this animal cruelty, Police are asking you to call CRIMESTOPPERS at 436-TIPS. You could earn a reward.

(WALB-TV - Feb 6, 2013)