Friday, March 8, 2013

West Pike Run Township police chief charged with animal cruelty

PENNSYLVANIA -- The Washington Area Humane Society has seen several cases over the years of animal cruelty, but they say what sets this latest case apart is that the cruelty allegedly came at the hands of a local police chief.


 “This is actually an extremely severe case, Etalia is so malnourished, she’s only 58 pounds,” said Washington Area Humane Society General Manager Kelly Backo. 

Etalia is a 1-1/2 year old female Rottweiler who dog advocates say was underfed, and about 25 pounds underweight.

“It was a life or death situation for this dog,” said Backo.

After a tip that Etalia was being kept for too many hours of the day in the basement of a Scenery Hill home, a dog officer went there, found it living in what he called its own filth, and took it away for treatment.

An investigator said the chief told them that he didn't have enough time to care for the dog. However, Backo said Hardesty’s other dog is healthy.

“He has another Rottweiler. It’s a male and it lives upstairs. He’s in good health, so there’s no rhyme or reason on why this dog was made to live in the basement,” Backo said.

Backo says the owner now facing animal cruelty charges is West Pike Run Police Chief Michael Hardesty. 

“I was surprised that the owner is a police chief,” said Backo. “He should know what the Pennsylvania dog law is and how to maintain and properly care for your animal,” she said.

Hardesty said the dog is underweight because it had recently run away for several days, and he denies the cruelty charges. He pointed to his male Rottweiler -- which clearly appeared healthy -- as proof that he is a responsible dog owner.

A hearing will soon determine who will get custody of Etalia.

(WTAE - Mar 7, 2013)