Friday, June 28, 2013

Outrage after top bullfighter posts pit-bull attack on Facebook

SPAIN -- Bullfighter (aka bull torturer, bull abuser, animal sadist) Joao Moura Jr is set to incur the wrath of animal rights groups around Europe after posting a series of shocking photographs on his Facebook page.

A private corrida at his house has caused outrage in Portugal after pictures showed a pack of pit bulls attacking a calf at his finca.

Animal rights group ANIMAL revealed that they had received numerous emails regarding the ‘barbaric action’ and stressed that they would do ‘everything to ensure that these people are punished’.

In a statement, Moura expressed his regret at posting the images on the social media site, before adding: “But, most of all, I regret not being able to prevent it.”

He said: “It was an isolated incident as the dogs inadvertently entered the ring where the cow was; it was not an animal fight.”

The animal welfare group member have replied that they ‘don’t believe for a second’ the bullfighter’s statement, claiming that he only ‘regrets the fact that he was caught’.

(The Olive Press - June 28, 2013)

Does this guy remind you of anyone? He doesn't feel bad about what happened... just that he was caught. - Jamie Olson

Olson encourages his dogs to attack a trapped coyote, which is
already dehydrated and weak from its earlier struggles to escape
the leghold trap. They rip the coyote to pieces.