Thursday, June 27, 2013

Shrewsbury rules dogs Sadie and Pesty to be danger, nuisance

MASSACHUSETTS --Two boxer-type dogs that Westmont Road neighbors said frequently got loose and terrorized their neighborhood have been found to be a nuisance and dangerous dogs.

The dogs, 2-year-old Sadie and 9-month-old Pesty, are owned by Janeen Demers of 31 Westmont Road.

Several residents told selectmen Tuesday they no longer walk their dogs on their street because they fear the two large dogs. One neighbor said one of the dogs jumped against his bike and tried to bite him on his leg. Another said the dogs come into her yard and pounce against a large window in an attempt to get at her three small dogs inside.

Before receiving testimony from complainants, selectmen were provided with a petition signed by 32 residents of the neighborhood who said they feared the dogs and asked that they be removed from the neighborhood.

Leona Pease, the town's animal control officer, said she has received eight complaints about the dogs the first part of this year, and has issued five citations.

"These dogs have become a great nuisance in the neighborhood by their running loose, scaring the neighbors with aggressive barking at the neighbors on the neighbors' own property, chasing dogs being legally walked on leashes on sidewalks in the neighborhood, and aggressively barking and jumping on the neighbor's house trying to get at her dogs inside," Ms. Pease summarized in a list of complaints.

Ms. Demers and her ex-husband, Roland Demers, who was assisted by a sign language interpreter, said the dogs are not aggressive and have never bitten anyone.

In the end, selectmen voted to deem Sadie dangerous and Pesty a nuisance.

Selectmen imposed several recommendations from Ms. Pease, including that the dogs be enrolled into a professional training program and that more secure fencing be installed. The dogs also are to be boarded in a secure facility until all of the stipulations are in place.

(Telegram - June 26, 2013)