Saturday, September 21, 2013

Woman near Houston arrested for animal cruelty; leaves dog in car for 15 hours

TEXAS -- A La Porte woman is accused of leaving her dog in her car to die, according to police. Now she's charged with animal cruelty.

Police said Roben Jones told them her dog, which she owned since it was a puppy, had begun acting strangely so she wanted to put it down.

She called Animal Control at 10:30 p.m., but they wouldn't come out to get the animal.

She put the dog in her car without any food or water.

An Animal Control officer found the dog the next day at 1:30 p.m., but it was too late – the dog was dead.

Jones told police she had overslept.

She was charged in July, days after the dog was found, but police didn't arrest her until Thursday.

(KENS 5 TV - Sept 21, 2013)

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