Friday, October 18, 2013

Agents Seize Horses; Owner Faces Animal Cruelty Charges

OHIO -- Agents seize more than twenty horses from a home in Mercer County.

Now Erie County's Anna Shelter Horse Rescue is taking care of them.

Authorities say the horses were in deplorable conditions and there are now 29 animal cruelty charges pending against the owner.

Twenty-two of the 34 that were rescued are in a barn in Edinboro being nursed back to good health.
The horses range in age from three months old to at least 25 years old.

Ruth Thompson of the shelter says they're in awful condition, many with parasites, poor nutrition and a severe skin disease.

Although it's not up to her, she doesn't want to see them go back to those conditions.

Of course feeding and taking care of 22 horses that are weak and not in good condition is costly.
Thompson says any donation will help them get these horses back to better health.

There are 29 animal cruelty charges pending against the owner.

(YourErie - Oct 17, 2013)

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