Saturday, October 19, 2013

Jerks kill super-rare (and sacred) albino moose

CANADA -- If history has taught us anything, it’s that if there’s a rare, special animal in the wild, some dumbass will eagerly shoot it. Unfortunately, history just repeated itself near Belle Cote, Nova Scotia, where three hunting buddies killed a special white moose that the locals had kept alive for years by the Mi'kmaq people.

Writes io9: This moose was known to the local Mi’kmaq people for years, but they refrained from killing it because they consider all white animals to be sacred…

Even hunters, aside from these clowns, don’t shoot albino animals for fear that it’ll bring bad luck — and despite the fact that it’s not illegal. These guys breached a kind of unwritten code of conduct that has also upset many in the hunting community.

Adding insult to injury, the three stooges posted their shots online, further pissing off the locals. As Mi’kmaq hunter Danny Paul told the CBC:

We are not to harm [these animals] in any way, shape, or form because they could be one of our ancestors coming to remind us of something significant that’s going to happen within our communities. It was so disrespectful having seen it put on the social media, and it’s been an outcry and our people are outraged.

This majestic sacred moose gets his head chopped off and then
dumped onto a trailer with the beer cooler - RIP beautiful moose

The hunters issued an apology and said they didn’t realize the significance of the moose. Although some are blaming the Department of Natural Resources for not protecting the albino moose, I think the blame lies with whoever said, “Wow! Something beautiful and unusual! Forget pictures — LET’S KILL IT!”

(Grist - Oct 18, 2013)



  1. What attracts anyone to stalk a beautiful animal, cowardly kill it from a great distance, and call this a sport? We harvest wheat not living creatures! It is an ego driven culture of low functioning (mostly men) who want a photo taken next to dead defenseless animal showing how they went to gun shop, bought a rifle, and can put two pounds of trigger squeeze on a rifle trigger. So you are now suddenly a big man? You destroy an animal who has done nothing expect be a beautiful reminder of God's gift.

    1. The high powered rifles and crossbows that they make now means you don't even have to have skills. You just point and shoot. It's foolproof for fools.

  2. Clueless idiots. Saying sorry does not bring the moose back to life.

  3. Well it's clearly evident that the combined intelligent quotient of these three would be at
    best, -3 or lower.
