Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pit bull deemed 'dangerous' after attack on 89 year-old woman

WASHINGTON -- The dog that severely injured an 89-year-old woman in Cowlitz County on Monday was declared dangerous by the county despite the "Beware of Dog" sign on the fence.

Bernita Kessler was bitten on her arm with a wound that went to the bone and will need multiple surgeries, including reconstructive surgery, beginning Wednesday.

Kessler, who lives at the Villager Inn Retirement Home next door, was walking past a house in the 400 block of 1st Avenue SW when she reached in to pet the dog, owned by Dexter Soloman. The dog, a 10-year-old pit bull named Seth, attacked.

A Cowlitz County Animal Control official told KOIN 6 News it was the worst bite he has ever seen.

Solomon said he put the dog away, and tried to help Kessler.

But the Castle Rock code states that if an animal inflicts severe injury on a human without provocation while on public or private property, the dog is considered dangerous.

The "Beware of Dog" sign only serves as a warning, the code states.

Kessler's grandson, Adam Kessler, said the situation was tragic. He said his grandmother has always had dogs and probably tried to innocently pet Seth.

"It sounds like she was being typical sweet grandmother that she is, and was going to pet the dog," Adam Kessler said. "...I love her dearly and I want her to come out of this and to be able walk to the store again and walk to church."

On Monday, Cowlitz County Animal Control fined Soloman $257 for the dog bite. The dog is now on a 10-day quarantine inside his home.

The dog's owner spoke to KOIN 6 News again on Tuesday.


Dexter Soloman said he has warned the victim before not to approach the dog. He even tried to stop the attack -- but it was too late. He's not facing criminal charges, but if he fails to comply with animal control orders then he could.

Soloman is still making up his mind if he'll fight the "dangerous dog" label for the 10-year-old dog that's like a child to him.

(KOIN - Nov 13, 2013)


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