Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Husky arrested for shoplifting: Hound caught stealing pig ears, beef bones and dog food from Dollar General and burying them behind store

SOUTH CAROLINA -- The Clinton, South Carolina police have a new perp in their database: Cato the dog.

Holly Darden's pet husky was arrested and taken to the pound Wednesday after he was caught stealing from a local Dollar General.

What valuable items was the dog after? Treats, of course.

Darden was taking Cato for a walk on Wednesday when he got off his leash and bolted.


Soon after, managers at the local Dollar General noticed that someone had stolen pig ears, beef bones, dog  food and treats straight off the shelf.

Store manager Anastasia Polson took a look at the surveillance footage and quickly identified the culprit.

Around 9:38, Cato is seem ambling up to the Dollar General and the sliding doors close before he's able to get in.

But a human customers soon comes up and the doors open, allowing Cato a chance to get in. A few minutes later he's seen leaving the store.

But Cato comes back a few minutes later to steal again. But this time Poole and another store employee follow the dog outside where they find him burying his loot in some dirt behind the store.

'We didn't know it happened because he just snuck in with the customers,' Ms Polson told Fox Carolina.

Ms Polson called police and Cato was briefly taken to the pound but soon reunited with his owner.

Apparently Cato is a serial offender. Ms Darden says he's gotten into other stores like Ingles, BI-LO and food establishments like Pizza Hut and a local yogurt store.

But it seems that Cato's sticky paws have nothing to do with being hungry. He steals for the thrill.

'Look at him, he's fat!' Ms Darden said. 'Yes! I feed him, there's food in there. There's treats in there.'

While a police report was filled out against Cato, the police said it was just for fun.

(Daily Mail - Dec 8, 2013)

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