Sunday, March 23, 2014

An elderly man was mauled by pit bull while unsuccessfully trying to stop it from killing his Maltese terrier

AUSTRALIA -- AN ELDERLY man has been savagely mauled by a stray dog that killed his Maltese terrier in an unprovoked attack this morning. 
The man, 65, from Liverpool, had been walking his pooch on Forbes St in Liverpool about 8.30am when a large, white dog, believed to be a pit bull terrier, launched at the pair.

He is believed to have had his small dog in his arms when the larger dog clenched its teeth around the smaller dog’s neck, knocking the man to the ground in the process.

In an effort to save his beloved dog, the man used his body to shield his furry body, causing the pit bull to maul his arms, torso and legs instead.

A teacher and two students from neighbouring Liverpool Girls High School saw the commotion and rushed to the man’s aid.

The teacher was able to pull the dog from the man and restrain it but the small dog had died of blood loss by this stage.

Liverpool Police crime manager Detective Inspector Dean Johnstone described the attack as “vicious” but commended the bravery of the teacher and students.

“It was a vicious and savage attack with an unfortunate result but the actions of the teacher and the students helped to reduce the man’s injuries,” Det Insp Johnstone said.

“Their efforts were incredibly brave and commendable.

“But I would encourage the community to stay away from animals they don’t know, particularly large breeds of dog. If you’re a pet owner, it is your responsibility to ensure your animal is properly restrained at all times, registered with council and microchipped.”

Det Insp Johnstone said he believed the dog is a stray as it was without a collar or identification tags at the time of the attack and is not micro-chipped.

It was taken to Renbury Farm Animal Shelter by Liverpool Council rangers after the attack.

“If we can identify who the owner of the dog is, we will take action against them,” he said.

“But considering we don’t know who the owner is — or if there is one — we will work alongside council to follow the matter up.”

The man’s condition is not known but his injuries are not life-threatening.

Anyone with information about the attack is urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

(Liverpool Leader - March 21, 2014)

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