Friday, July 11, 2014

Abuse an animal in PA, just pay a fine. But steal copper wire? Well, now you'll get a fine, community service AND probation!

PENNSYLVANIA -- A man was given credit for 170 days served in jail after being sentenced to one month to one year in prison for theft.

Drew E. Fisher previously pleaded guilty to two charges of theft, defiant trespass and cruelty to animals.

Montour County Judge Gary Norton ordered Fisher to pay $787 in restitution, fined him $300 and ordered him to do 20 hours community service for stealing 300 pounds of copper in Mahoning Township and to pay $40 in restitution for removing cash from a container Dec. 22.

For the second theft charge, he was fined $300 and ordered to a consecutive term of one year’s probation.

He was fined $300 for defiant trespass and given a concurrent term of one year’s probation.

For cruelty to animals, he was fined $300.

Fisher was charged with entering an uninhabitable home at 5 Diehl St. on Dec. 19.

Police said he left a dog in the home several days without food or water. The dog had an ear infection and needed veterinary care.

(Daily Item - July 11, 2014)

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