Friday, August 1, 2014

Woman Hospitalized After Being Attacked By Her Own Dog

LOUISIANA -- A 54-year-old woman suffered severe bite wounds on her left arm and both legs after her own dog turned on her Sunday, Sheriff Jerry Larpenter said.

“When the doctor walked out the room, he said it was horrible. Too many bite marks to count,” neighbor Cassie Carlos recounted.

She’s talking about her friend and neighbor, the 54-year-old woman who had to have emergency surgery Sunday, after she was attacked by her own pit bull.

It happened in the 200 block of Orange Street in Dulac; inside the family’s camper home. Neighbors saw the aftermath.

“Bite mark here, her left arm. She was trying to stop the dog from biting her throat because he bit her throat then he started ripping at her boobs, her legs, everywhere.”

“She has severe injuries to her left arm and both of her legs from her knees down to her ankles and from what I understand she’s going to be in the hospital for a while,” Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office Spokesman Major Malcolm Wolfe said.

Major Wolfe says the victim had been picking up trash from her front yard.

She told neighbors when she re-entered her camper the pit bull became startled when she adjusted the trash bag.

“Sometimes you don’t have to be doing anything at all. So to say it was something in particular that caused the dog to attack her is something we have not determined,” Wolfe said.

Cassie Carlos says the victim fought with the family pet for 45-minutes before she managed to escape.

Trotter asked Carlos, “How did she get away? She threw some meat. She said she grabbed a big loaf of, a thing of ham and threw the meat and put him back inside,” she replied.

“When she was able to get away she closed the door behind her, locking the dog inside,” Wolfe added.

She reportedly staggered to her neighbor’s house; where an emergency call was made to paramedics.

Neighbors say the attack comes as no surprise.

 “Not the first time this dog has been aggressive? No not at all. They said the dog bit a baby in the face. I wasn’t there for that but that’s horrible. How you gonna let a dog bit a baby in the face and not put it down then,” Carlos said.

Sheriff’s investigators confirm that the animal has been aggressive in the past.

The dog was picked up by Terrebonne Parish Animal Control. It is currently under quarantine.

(WGNO - July 31, 2014)

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