Thursday, October 13, 2016

Florida: Woman's Fox Terrier attacked and mauled to death by pit bull. Insistent that we not "breed bash"

FLORIDA -- So as if the storm and all the stress is horrible enough, my little baby boy dog Bleau (my fox terrier) just got attacked and killed by the neighbors pit bull. Watching Bleau die was one of the most gruesome experiences of my life. � I will ONLY SAY THIS ONCE and please DON'T make this a breed bashing session because it is not..... A DOG IS THE PRODUCT OF IT'S OWNER......and this dog's ow er was going to leave it outside during a muthafuxking HURRICANE!!!! Animal control and police fined the owner but nothing will bring back my little buddy and thanks to poor Bleau, that pit now was ordered to be kept inside instead of out in a storm. I am beyond crushed that I will never see your sweet little face or snuggle you ever again.
I love you my little Bleau bear...... and I'm so very sorry I couldn't save you. I tried.

Ashley Bates - This is that moron's fence AFTER he was told to secure it.

Regina Melendez - What a asshat!!!!! The second his dog pokes one leg out you snap a picture and call animal control!!!!!

Ashley Bates - Oh I will. Believe me

Rodney Willis - Sorry to hear. And your statement is 100% true. I had a bulldog years ago that was cool calm friendly laid back. Was a short 36# terrier bred for fighting. Kids could get rough with him lije ear pulling even ride on him. But if he though you or another anumalwas a threat to me or any of my family he got mean very fast to protect us. I guess what I'm saying is he was just like me. I'm not mean or claim to be B.A. but dont mess with my family cause there is a denin side to be the protector. Again I'm sorry about your lil buddy.

Ashley Bates -  I understand completely. The ironic part is I'm not even mad at the dog. It's not the dogs fault I've actually had this talk before when he left it outside for days when he went out of town and she got through the fence I've left food and water for her. Our dog was in my yard two steps literally outside my front door. There was no threat to be had. It's not a bad dog it's a bad owner. I'm a Southern girl so I understand that you train dogs to hunt. However if you make a dog a weapon you need to contain your weapon no different than owning a gun. He failed to do that and that's where my anger is at the person not the dog. The dog was just doing what it was trained to do hunt. My fear is that that dog will not know the difference between my three-year-old son and a pig just as it didn't know the difference between my terrier and a rabbit. Ya know?

Rodney Willis - Right on point.