Monday, October 10, 2016

Michigan: Westland Animal Control worker fired after dumping dog's body in dumpster

MICHIGAN -- Westland resident, Melissa Wise, thought it was odd when she noticed a Westland Animal Control truck pulled up next to a dumpster at an old firehouse on Palmer.

“That’s when we heard a loud thump,” Wise said. “And you’re wondering, what did Animal Control just put in the dumpster?”

When Wise opened the lid of the dumpster, she was horrified to find the body of a dog laying on top of a pile of garbage.

“I was disgusted,” she said.


Turns out, the Animal Control worker dumped the body of a pit bull named Nina, which had recently been reported missing by her owner.

Nina ran away from home, and was later found dead on the side of the road after she was apparently hit by a car.

Wise couldn't believe Animal Control would treat someone's pet with so much disrespect, so she took the complaint to city leaders.

After some phone calls were made, they made Animal control return and pick up the dog. If I were the 2nd officer, I would have been sure to say, "I didn't have anything to do with this!"

When confronted, the Animal Control worker said there was nothing he could do about the dog, that’s why he dumped the dog's body in the dumpster.

“I had to go pick up this other guy’s dying dog. There was nothing I could do,” said the worker.

The city, on the other hand, wasn’t buying that excuse and fired the worker and suspended the fire marshal and his supervisor without pay for five days.

The mayor told Local 4 that the incident should have never happened, and released this statement regarding the incident:

"Like you, I was shocked and appalled to see the photographs of a Westland employee throwing the body of a deceased dog into a Dumpster. After an investigation into the incident, the City of Westland has terminated the animal control officer in question, and his supervisor has received a five day, unpaid suspension.

"On behalf of the City of Westland, I want to apologize. This should not have happened. This animal was someone's pet and deserves respect and compassion just like you and I would want and expect for our pets.

The City of Westland is in the process of reviewing all of our policies and procedures with regards to Ordinance and Animal Control under a recent reorganization I announced a few weeks ago.

As a Compassionate City, our city values all lives, both human and animal. As animal lovers and dog owners ourselves, my wife Sherri and I wish to donate a proper burial of this beloved pet to his human family to help them say goodbye."

For some reason, trolls came out in droves about this story. Several complained that it was "just a dog" and who cares if it's dumped in the trash? Clearly, they don't understand that animal control officers typically have a protocol in which the animal is brought to the shelter to be scanned for a microchip and they try to find the owner. Sometimes owners of lost pets will come in and fill out forms and post photos of their missing pet. Others complained b/c the dead dog's owner supposedly didn't want his dog's photo on the internet. 

I didn't see any specific posts where the dog's owner was asking for the photos to be removed, but even if he had.... Um, well sorry but your dog got loose, got hit and killed by a car and its body thrown into a dumpster. You have no control in demanding that she remove the photos any more than demanding that the news channel ClickOnDetroit (or me) remove the photos because "you're upset". You were able to get your dog's body back to bury it and were able to stop searching for your poor dog - thanks to this woman. You should be thanking her instead of sending your trolls after her.

Also, this unstable woman named Brandy R Miller (aka Bree Miller) took it upon herself to troll several people repeatedly and threaten to contact the Good Samaritan's boss. Why? Because it's Monday, the sky is blue, it's her "time of the month". Who knows? What I do know is that she needs therapy. Now.

Brandy R Miller Who the fuck posted this?! You should be Ashamed of yourself!!! I understand the fing cause but this isn't YOUR dog or YOUR family member!! The owner asked for you to take it down TAKE IT DOWN


Casey Soave Katelyn Buchte: take it off please

Gayle M. Olson Hughes: Did you read the entire post because the owner is in it and its the only way he found his dog.

Brandy R Miller: Yeah I read the entire fucking post. He said he knew and he wanted it removed. Then you have ignorant fucking people making it viral...

Manda Johnson: No YOURE ignorant.

Brandy R Miller: I'm going to report her to her employer.. A vet tech that ignores an owners requests for this to be private


April Wright: I don't understand why she thinks her outrage is worth more than

Brandy R Miller: She has no right. I'll be calling her employer! She does not have the right to post another dog owners loss on fb after him asking for her to remove the video because it was upsetting him

Mandy Stromski: Yeah but it's not as if she'll lose her job over it. Social Media has given everyone the right to put anything they want out into the public. Just like you're putting your opinion out there right now and the other 1600 opinions on this post. The owner and all of the other do also have the right to report this post and facebook will take care of it.

Brandy R Miller: The owner reported her first lol

Manda Johnson: Clearly 90% of these people would like their dogs thrown in the trash. Hope your dogs never go missing. If it weren't for this post people wouldn't know what happens to these poor babies when no one is watching.

Brandy R Miller: If my dog was hit by a car... I would NOT want to see his remains blasted all over fucking fb I'll tell you that! The dog was already dead!

(ClickOnDetroit - Oct 6, 2016)

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