Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Arizona: Hawk traps itself into birdcage after getting inside and killing family's parakeet

ARIZONA -- A hawk killed a Peoria boy’s parakeet and then got stuck in the pet’s cage.

Becky Griefer says she usually keeps her son’s parakeets named PD and Snowy inside but decided to leave their cage on a backyard patio table Monday morning because the weather was nice.

She ran outside to loud banging and realized a hawk had flown into the cage through a small, dime-sized opening.

“I’m telling you, how can a bird like that squeeze in there without popping the door open is just utterly amazing. The bird was flapping around upside down with its foot stuck probably wondering what he got himself into,” said Griefer.

He likely lifted the tiny door, got inside and the door closed behind him.

After finding PD’s body at the bottom of the cage, she quickly grabbed Snowy to safety.

“She got a little beat up,” said Griefer.

The mother then set the hawk free only for the predator to come back nearly 15 minutes later.

“Obviously looking for his easy meal,” she said.

The family who call Snowy “the mean bird that bites” believe she somehow managed to fight off the hawk and survive.

“She’s been through three mates now so she’s a survivor. She’s top dog in the bird world. She’s a pretty strong personality,” she said.

PD’s death has hit 9-year-old CJ Griefer, Becky's son, especially hard.

“I’m very sad. I just wish he could live a lot longer and now he’s in heaven,” said CJ.

The family plans to keep Snowy inside just in case the hawk comes back.

“This is why you keep them inside,” said CJ.

“You’re right, you’re right,” said Griefer.

The family is thinking about getting another parakeet but will first have a small memorial for PD Monday

(AZ Family - November 21, 2016)