Anthony Kidd, 23, leaped over into the courtroom galley and stood on a bench as five Manatee County deputies surrounded him, a red dot shining on his stomach as a deputy pointed a Taser.
“Do it. You’re going to have to kill me,” Kidd screamed.
He ignored repeated commands to “get on the ground” even after he jumped back to the front of the courtroom. Deputies told the judge to leave the courtroom.
Deputies closed in on Kidd, but he slipped away, making it only to the other side of the room before seven deputies took him to the ground.
Kidd continued to resist as more deputies arrived to assist.
“They broke my arm,” Kidd yelled. A deputy barked back: “Stop resisting.”
Kidd, who pleaded no contest in September to a felony animal abuse charge for causing his girlfriend’s dog, named Prince, to suffer a broken tooth, bloody nose and swollen eye, was sentenced to 364 days jail followed by four years probation.

Kidd immediately pleaded to Circuit Judge Hunter Carroll to reconsider, begging that he needed to be with his kids.
“I am dying,” Kidd said after having previously testified he had cancer. “I am begging you for my life.”
Carroll listened but said the court would not change it’s ruling.
Kidd had also been ordered to pay a $2,500 fine, submit to anger management treatment and that he have no possession, care or custody of domestic animals during his probation period.
“Certainly I empathize and sympathize with the medical conditions that you testified about and being in jail will make that difficult,” Carroll said during his sentencing. “However we are here to punish for what you did to Prince.”
Kidd could now face additional charges for attempting to escape custody after being remanded into the custody of the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office.
When Kidd took the stand Wednesday, he initially refused to admit he had an anger problem.
Assistant State Attorney Lisa Chittaro reminded him about how he had still been angry when he first appeared before a judge following his April 4 arrest.
“It was an accident. My kid was eating (expletive),” Kidd had told Senior Circuit Judge Peter Dubensky.
Dubensky responded that Kidd should have been keeping better watch over his child.
“That’s all I did was tap him on his rear end and toss him out,” Kidd said. “There’s a lot of stuff in our backyard; there’s lots of junk.”
The veterinarian concluded Prince's injuries were consistent with blunt force trauma such as being hit with force or kicked.
Chittaro asked him about that testimony.
“Anybody can say anything,” Kidd said.
(Modesto Bee - Dec 7, 2016)
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