Thursday, October 26, 2017

Michigan: Woman gets $632 in donations after claiming police shot and killed her Pit Bull "for no reason"

MICHIGAN -- Yeah, I'm not buying it. Let me set the scene: she's at the Red Roof Inn in Southfield, Michigan, and - according to her - a loose Pit Bull attacks her Pit Bull.

She says it took 30 minutes for police to show up. She claims the attack has been going on for 30 minutes and that when police roll up, they shoot and kill her dog "for no reason". Hmm...

Don't trust anyone with a neck tattoo.

She claims her Pit Bull is an "emotional support dog". Yeah, I'm sure she claims that - and threatens lawsuits - so she can take her Pit Bull anywhere she wants. Emotional support animals, therapy dogs, whatever you call them are NOT afforded the same protections as true service dogs. Most people just threaten business owners to the point that they're afraid to say no, your animal is not coming into this business. What was she doing during those 30 minutes that her dog was being attacked? Thirty minutes is a long time.

The most outrageous claim is that after shooting and killing her Pit Bull, the police let the owner take his Pit Bull and just leave. No, no, no. That would not have happened.

Likely, her "therapy Pit Bull" attacked this other guy's dog and police shot her dog. The victim was allowed to leave and she was given a police report number and told that the victim could file charges and submit his vet paperwork for her to pay.

Regardless, her whining got a bunch of morons to give her more than $600 even though she was claiming she only needed $450 to cremate her dog. Yeah, I feel badly that her dog was shot and killed, but I believe it was attacking the other dog and I don't believe for one minute that the police showed up and shot and killed her pittie "for no reason".

GoFundMe: "Police Killed My Dog"
Created October 15, 2017
Nonyaa Lucas

My dog and I were out of town, and I was walking him when we were attacked by an unleashed pitbull. The police came about 30 minutes into the attack and killed him on purpose. They were yelling and threating to me. They repeatedly lied about killing him. They're now trying to cover it up by refusing to give me name and badge numbers of the officers. He was my emotional support dog. I suffer from anxiety and depression. The owner of the other dog was allowed to leave the scene without giving me contact information. My baby was 2yrs and 4 moths old. This happened in Southfield Michigan at the red roof inn on 10/14/2017. The hospital who has him is wanting a hold fee of $80 and I only have 48hrs to make arrangements. The cremation estimate is $300 and urn $145. I have 5 business days to pay it. You can also make payments directly to Bluepearl veterinary hospital.  Thank you for reading and possible donation.