Monday, November 6, 2017

Missouri: Poodle named Smokey attacked by the neighbor's Pit Bull

MISSOURI -- Smokey was attacked by the neighbor's pit bull. The Sheriff's Department said they can't do anything about it because we didn't actually see it happening.

Created November 5, 2017
$1,000 goal
Sue Hayes

Note: She had a GoFundMe page, but on an update she said she was shutting it down b/c they charge a 30% service fee. So now's she asking money to be sent directly to her; I think she'd be more successful if she asked donations to be sent directly to the veterinarian's office - and posted the bills. Who knows if her dog was ever even taken to the vet for care? 

As always, be cautious before donating money to people. She hasn't posted any photos of Smokey's injuries, of them at the vet, the vet's bills. We don't know if Smokey was ever even taken to a vet.

But the point of this post is that yet another animal has been attacked by a Pit Bull.