Saturday, November 4, 2017

(October 2017) Florida: "The pit bull next door just attacked my dog"

FLORIDA -- Lauren Alexandria Lester posted on Facebook October 15, 2017 ·

The pit bull next door just attacked my dog.

His name is Yale and he busted through his fence and attacked my dog Lexie while my mom was taking our dogs on their usual morning walk.

This isn’t the first time he has tried to get at our dogs. Our next door neighbors have three pit bulls in a tiny apartment.

I no longer feel safe in my new home. Just to get the pit off of Lex I had to beat him in the head resulting in my hand being severely swollen.

Our neighbor even told us the first day we moved in that two of his dogs are cool, but the other isn’t. How can you live knowing that your dog is vicious? Especially with two dogs next door?!

Connie Re'nee Hill - I swear Kristi Lester should have shot that damn monster dog!!!!

Lauren Alexandria Lester - If would have been thinking I would have grabbed her gun before I came down stairs.


Kalyn Sizemore - Did you call the police/are going to file a report with animal control?

Lauren Alexandria Lester - Yup! We called right after it happened. They didn’t do much /:

Kalyn Sizemore - The police or animal control? Because animal control should be able to file a report on the household and dog/see if it has other reports. I'm pretty sure you guys can also try to get compensated for the medical expenses, even if you have to go to small claims court.


I'm really sorry that happened :(

That's honestly my worst nightmare with my dog. But even worse would be that dog running out to a small child

Lauren Alexandria Lester - Kalyn Sizemore both, they took notes and everything but left the dog at his home next door. We’re currently working on getting compensated for the medical bills and I think my mom plans on taking this to court????

Kalyn Sizemore - Okay good! I hope your pup does well in surgery and heals up fast. Poor little baby. Hopefully that man does the responsible thing and finds a more suitable environment for that dog.

Laurie Dennen Windhorst - Oh Lauren! I am sad to hear Lexie has been attacked.


My daughters German Shepherd was sitting in the garage watching my son in law wash the car. The neighbors pit got out and came into the garage and attacked Max. $800+ later (the neighbor paid) the dog still lives next door. 

The vet at the hospital reported the dog to animal control. I sure hope Lexie does well during and after surgery. ??

Lauren Alexandria Lester - Thank you so much. I hope that animal control does something about both pits!


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