Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Nebraska: Kyle wants you to know that, despite all the attacks and deaths caused by Pit Bulls, he thinks it's "ridiculous" and that you're more likely to be saved by a Pit Bull than attacked by one

NEBRASKA -- Kyle Noyes posted on Facebook December 18, 2017 at 3:43pm ·

Note: Although his Facebook profile lists his name as Kyle Noyes, his name is listed as Kyle Martinez (https://www.facebook.com/kyle.martinez.9809)

I have lived with 7 different pit bulls in my life and 2 of them are with my 4 year old son now it is really becoming ridiculous that everyone thinks just because they are Pit bull that they will be attacked when in reality they're more likely to be attacked by any other dog in the neighborhood and saved by a pit bull then Attacked by One 

you can make any dog mean you can make any dog fight no matter the breed or the size people who assume they will be attacked by a dog just for the fact that it is a pit bull are the same ones that assume they will be safe in gun free zones because guns aren't allowed they are the same people that put up article saying you are 50% more likely to be attacked by a pit bull when they have no idea about the breed besides what the mainstream media drills into their head

I would trust my dogs more than I would trust most people